The Game Favors the Have-Nots

(This post is focused on the dating game.)

The game is universal and favors whoever takes it seriously. However, the most thorough practitioners of this thing of ours are the have-nots. The reason for this is because have-nots are forced to use God’s wisdom (the game) in every endeavor merely to survive and achieve their goals. The haves can mirror the have-not by mind-fucking themselves, thus causing them to take this game as serious as a need, rather than a want. Now, for outsiders looking in, you may be wondering how a have-not can have stronger game than a have. The reason is that the strength of your game is based on your rate-of-return. (A rate of return is the gain or loss on your investment of game into a female over a specified period, expressed as a lifestyle increase based on where she was initially at when she first met you.) If you’re a have-not, with strong game, then your rate-of-return will be exorbitant. If you’re a have with strong game, your rate-of-return still may be microscopic.

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