Getting Fine “Bitches“ to Cooperate

Alright, although it is recommended to avoid “bitches” from the start, it is also useful to know how to deal with a “bitch” if you happen to encounter one.
Before I begin, though, I would like just to throw out that if you happen to be with a fine lady--with her mind right--that is cooperative, then there is no reason for you to enact the advice I am going to layout in this post.
Now then, this post is about dealing with fine “bitches,” with emphasis on the word “bitch.” Alright, when you deal with a fine “bitch” you have to mash on her from the beginning. These women start out with their heads in the clouds and their feet off the ground, so they have to have their clouds blown away so that they can fall back down to earth; the only way to do this is to start out by being very hard on them; check them for every little thing that they do, and check them HARD. Have a no-nonsense approach with them because they will come with the nonsense. These type of women like to talk smart and half-ass anything that you tell them to do. Furthermore, these types of women like to be very authoritative--even somewhat rude--so refuse to do anything that they say unless you feel like it. These women mistake their false bravado for strength when it is really just a shield to hide their own weakness and insecurities; when you mash on these “bitches” and crack their shells, they fold and showcase how truly bashful they actually are. As a matter of fact, if you’re a guy that happens to be in a relationship with a “bitch” then it is time for you to put your foot down and stop acting as though you are afraid of losing her. These types of women--oftentimes when they are in relationships--boss the guys that they are in a relationship with around because they usually date simps; this is why it is imperative to act as though you are not afraid of losing her--although you should not actually be afraid of losing her anyway because it is better to be single, or even with a cooperative ugly woman, then to be with a beautiful “bitch.” When you act as though you are not afraid of losing her, then you immediately become distinguishable from the dozen of brown-nosing simps after her. However, don’t get me wrong, you may lose her from acting like this, but this is a good thing for the aforementioned reasons. Furthermore, the woman will usually reminisce over how you got down, resulting in her charging herself, which will usually bring her back, and when she comes back the second time around, she’ll be far more cooperative from thereon. She will now understand that it takes far more than just being beautiful to keep her on your team. Now, she will understand that she will have to bring something more to the table--other than just her looks, and now you will be seen as more than just another thirst-bucket.
Once the female begins acting as though she has some sense you can begin to let your foot up off of her (figuratively speaking) throat and begin treating her normally.

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