
Showing posts with the label Deeper Understanding

The Proud Boys are the 21st Century’s Ku Klux Klan

  It has already been stated and shown that the Proud Boys work hand-in-hand with law enforcement;  however, in light of the recent coup d’état, there is no longer any doubt in anyone’s mind of the validity of this. Thus, I want to showcase the similarities between today’s Proud Boys and the Ku Klux Klan of the 1910s. Both were/are intertwined with the government: Klan officeholders in particularly prominent and powerful positions included Governors Edward Jackson of Indiana and Clifford Walker of Georgia, as well as U.S. Senators Earle Mayfield of Texas and Rice Means of Colorado. - Joshua Rothman (12/04/2016), The Atlantic Wilson was also a segregationist who wrote a history textbook praising the Confederacy and, in particular, the Ku Klux Klan. As president, he rolled back hard-fought economic progress for Black Americans, overseeing the segregation of multiple agencies of the federal government. - Becky Little (07/14/2020), History The former top aide to Lauren Boebe...

Black People Making Moves on the Small Screen

Starting back in 2014, there was a rise in Black independent content-creators producing media on the small screen. The platform of choice was YouTube. One of the most popular shows to come out from back then was “Money and Violence.” It debuted in August of 2014. This was 1 month after the debut of “ Power, Book 1 .” At the time, despite its much smaller funding, this show was better than “Power.” Due to its acclaimed success, major studios were opting to fund this project. However, nothing is for free. Thus, these studios wanted part ownership. However, the creator of this show understood the importance of retaining his creative product.                                                            Money and Violence Therefore, he refused to hand that over. He took to GoFundMe for crowdfunding and began producing sea...

The Money Lie about the Yearly Income

  "I make $50,000 a year. I'm about to buy a new house." Whenever I get paid, I never look at the gross income. I always look at the net income. Why? Because that's the money I take home. Looking at your gross income can be depressing when you compare it to the net income. The harder you work, the sadder the comparison becomes. There are many people in financial trouble because they run their numbers according to their gross income. When you apply for a loan or get a credit card, they even ask for the gross income. So, you may be making $50,000 a year, but you're taking home about $38,000. So, this person walks around with their chest out, spending money like they're taking home $50,000. This is why these folks get into serious debt. For those of you who read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, he focuses on cash flow. This means: Take home pay - Expenses = Whatever's leftover. This is your cash flow. Now, if I take home $38,000 a year, but I a...

Anticipated Future Changes Coming to Social-Media-Celebrities

As more people begin to turn away from traditional media, I predict that the dominant society will begin courting social-media-celebrities to market their messages. 61% of young adults reported using online streaming in place of television. This was back in 2017. The numbers have only increased. Traditional celebrities are becoming antiquated. Some companies are already realizing the sway that social-media-celebrities carry. However, I find myself thinking about the music scene of the 1990s. You can check all of King Vader's videos  here . During the 1990s, up to the early 2000s, famous Black musicians were earning lucrative incomes. This led major music labels to create the 360 Deal ; this entitled companies to a percentage of all record sales. Moreover, these companies would receive the lion's share of the revenue for record sales; this is why artists in the late 2000s began touring frequently. At the time, money made from shows fell outside of the 360 Deal. Anything outsi...

The After-Effects of Trump of Losing Re-election. What does it mean to FBA?

We’re going back to dealing with benign neglect. We’ll still deal with White supremacy. However, other groups will be excluded. Other groups will eat off of us. As we’ve seen, many mammies and sambos are cheerleading Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ victory. However, many of them are foreign Blacks, agents, or fall into the category of being dangerously stupid. However, I want to point out pertinent facts about this election. 1st) Joe Biden won thanks to voter fraud.                                                                 Many Black voters sat out this election because we didn’t have a dog in this fight. Also, more Black people voted for Trump in this election. This means fewer votes for Biden. Some of these people did it to spite Biden. Some did it be...

Great Depression Countermeasures

  " We Are In A Depression, Not A Recession " You can check out more of her videos here . Since the mainstream media is finally admitting that we’re in a depression, I’m making this post for people to consider their options should banks become insolvent. -Marcus Hughes A bank being insolvent means it cannot repay its depositors, because its liabilities are greater than its assets. The effect that a bank has if it becomes insolvent depends upon the availability of deposit insurance. In a country without deposit insurance, an insolvent bank would not be able to repay people deposits in full. In the event of an insolvency, depositors would have to queue up with other bank creditors to reclaim whatever money they could from the bank. So, for every £1.00 the bank owed to customers it might only pay 90p or even less. - Josh Ryan-Collins, Tony Greenham, Richard Werner and Andrew Jackson, Positive Money I foresee many people losing money on their investments. Thus, it bears consideri...

Insuring Against White Supremacy Attacks

Sorry to the fanbase; I know that it’s been a while since I’ve made a new post. I just haven’t felt like typing anything lately. However, this post necessitates it. Hidden Colors’ producer, Tariq Nasheed, mentioned something very important in one of his latest broadcasts; he mentioned the need for Foundational Black Americans (FBA) to insure themselves against White supremacists’ attacks. He specifically said life insurance. However, I’m going to expand upon that—since insurance is my expertise. First, I’m going to give some background on insurance. During slavery, slaves were insured. This, along with the tangible benefits our ancestors provided, are why slaves were insured. All of the slave-owners purchasing property insurance fueled the insurance economy and gave rise to insurance juggernauts . (By the way, slaves were considered property.)  This is a major reason why racist White people didn’t go around killing Black people. If they’d have done so, they’d have gotten into troub...

Using Debt to Open a new Income Stream

What if I gave you $10,000 and told you had to pay it back in 60 months?  This debt has a 37.7% interest rate, so you're paying $372 per month for 60 months.  After you have made your last payment, you would pay over $22,000 in total.  Would you borrow this $10,000? What if I told you that you could pay that debt off in 24 months instead of 60?  What if I told you that if you paid it off in 60 months, you would make an additional $1,500 per month? People fear debt because they use it for frivolous bullshit—the cars, the houses, the watch, the electronics, etc.  The people who welcome debt are people who can make money when they get into debt. Let's say you're a savvy businessperson and want to make some extra cash flow.  You decide to go into the vending machine business.  You go to a loan officer and borrow $10,000.  It has a 37.7% interest rate, so you're paying $372 per month.  You scout for 2 locations.  Each location wants a beverag...

The Biggest Game of Pretend

It’s been a minute since I’ve made a post. However, I decided to bless my followers today with some financial game about the current happenings in many of today’s countries. I’ve spoken at length on the current situation of America’s currency. So, all of my readers should know that we’re on fiat currency; in laymen’s terms, our money consists of promissory notes. However, these promissory notes accrue debt. Moreover, the debt must eventually be paid. However, despite this, America has boasted about going through its longest stint of growth historically. This is amazing. This means that despite the considerable debt that America is in, our political leaders have managed to convince other countries to continue accepting our fiat currency. However, this brings about the question, what happens when creditors come to collect? Everything falls down. Countries that have accepted vast quantities of fiat currency bankrupt their economy too.   Check out more videos from the Money GPS here...