
Showing posts with the label Dating

Submission: The Quintessential Post

Years ago, I shared Anti-Simp’s post “ Being Submissive versus Being a Doormat ,” however, today, I’m going to elaborate on submission and women’s responsibility when it comes to choosing. Now, I’m going to give a disclaimer that this post will be game-heavy, so lames and squares be warned. Let’s begin. So, we know that women choose men. The woman has 100% control over who she chooses to date. We have 100% control over who we approach. Now, with great power comes great responsibility. Thus, women have to know at the onset what they are choosing mates for. Are you choosing to date or choosing for sex? According to her reason, her criteria will be different. If a woman is choosing for sex, then his looks are paramount. However, if she’s choosing for a relationship, then his leadership skills and the way he carries himself are paramount. Now, I’m not judgmental about women getting their groove on. We all love sex. However, the type of relationship determines the interactions. Many Black w...

Reconciliation Between the Black Man and Black Woman

A channel that I sometimes view has posted a question to Black men that none have so far been able to answer thoughtfully. BGS IBMOR has posed the following question to Black men. When Black women eventually come around to apologize and reconcile our gender issues, what will we require from them? Now, some men have said sex. That’s a thoughtless response that doesn’t require further analysis. Others have given a more thoughtful response. The response they’ve given is that we’ll require submission. However, both of these responses are inaccurate on the macro-level. The reality is that, currently, our relationship is irreconcilable. The most significant proof is the adverse response that many Black men had to the below commercial. Now, a lot of idiots take the commercial at face value, but I’m not counting them. These are the same Black men that spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to convince Black men to submit to female rule in the Black community.  However, many Black...

Know-it-Alls Know Nothing

Alright, I once got into an argument with a guy on someone else’s post in regards to finances. The post stemmed from someone talking about stacking enough money to invest in mutual funds. The man attempted to tell the person that they should focus more on investing in a business. I chimed in and let the guy know that investing in mutual funds is equivalent to investing in companies. The guy tried to play a game of semantics, so I posted a link that backed my claim. Next, the man stated that--although he does not understand the stock market--he understands business, so he knows what he was talking about when he told the person to focus on investing in a company. To counter his argument, I said to the guy that I have a mutual fund and have made money from mutual funds, so I know what I am talking about; I also told the person to pick up “Personal Finances For Dummies” to become more financially savvy. This caused the person to attempt an ad hominem attack by inquiring how many shares...

Lame to the Game

Alright, in this post I’m going to share with you a story from my past that involves a guy that went against the game and got burnt, badly. This story consists of a man that was a roommate of mine for a few months. This story stems from when I was in the military. At my second base, I started out living on base. After I had reached my three-year mark, I was allowed to move off base. Due to this, a guy that I was friends with—and whom I conversed with about my moving off base—suggested that we be roommates. Considering that we were friends, I decided that this was not a bad idea; it would give both of us a chance to stack our money up, even more. Now, when we went to the rental office to sign our name on the lease, this guy had his girlfriend with him. He had just started dating this female shortly before I was to move off base, so I did not think anything of this. Now, when it came time to sign the lease me and him put our names on the paper. He immediately moved into the apartment...

My Encounter with a 38-Year-Old Ratchet

All right, I’m going to share with my readers my encounter with a 38-year-old ratchet. (Forewarning, this will be a long post.) Tonight, I was at the southern legends of hip-hop concert. I sat in the second section, so I was kind of close to the stage. There were mostly females on my row, and I was sitting in-between them. While sitting there, I stayed in my lane, and simply listened to the concert. Due to this, the females took notice that I did not make a pass at any of them. (It’s funny how if a guy situates himself around females long enough, and does not make a pass at any of them, the women will begin to make passes at him. :-D ) Explanation of this. I don’t like to spit at females at these elaborate events because often they have these diva complexes about themselves. When I spit at broads, I like to get at them in ordinary places. Many are still bitches, but it lessens the chance to deal with the diva complex. Back to the story. So, the female sitting to the right of ...

Get Women on Your Terms

I think enough is enough. Men today have to endure lousy advice from friends, mothers, and females about dating. They've been told to treat women special. I'm here to say, "Be specific." You don't treat all women special; you treat exceptional women, the right type of women, special. Women with class need to be treated as such. Women who don't even respect themselves don't deserve an ego boost to justify their behavior. Women, whether they want to admit it or not, wish to be with a man on his terms. If a man is with her on her terms, she subconsciously disrespects him. Think I'm full of shit? When a woman asks you, "Where are we going on a date?" and your response is "I don't know. Wherever you want to go.", she's going to think very little of you. When you don't display masculine authority in the relationship, she's going to believe you're weak and may end up sleeping with a dude behind your back who has no...

Most Women Nowadays Would Rather Impress a Woman Rather Than a Man

 As time has passed, I’ve noticed more and more women that are gay and/or bisexual. Nowadays, I actually expect every woman I meet to be bisexual. Furthermore, I’ve told my friends that many of these women aren’t out to impress us. For example, the wigs and weaves that they place in their hair that messes their scalp up; that’s done to impress other women. I’ve never heard a guy—that wasn’t desperate—say he finds weaves and/or wigs attractive. The only people that find it cute are other women, so they’re doing it to appeal to other women. I’ve never heard any guys clamor about Black women needing to straighten their hair either. That was pushed upon them by the dominant society. Black men never had an issue with their natural hair. When they straightened their hair, many of us just went with it. Also, this tattoo craze, although we’re the originators of tattoos—since our culture has been branding itself since ancient times but those are tribal and mean something--nowadays, these t...

Team Management

In this post, we’re going to speak on how to schedule women in--or should I say around--your life. I’m going to share a theory of mine and why I came to this formula. Now, it is a theory, so feel free to tweak it to your liking. Alternatively, if you have a different angle on it, please share with the board. My reason for coming up with this formula is because in the past I’ve let women with potential slip through the cracks because I was either preoccupied with other women or just not including them in my schedule. Now, with that being stated, no woman--including one's mother--should run a man’s life or his day-to-day schedule. However, let’s keep it 100. If you continue to neglect her, she won’t be neglected for long.  So, I initially thought to myself “What’s a way to keep women that admire me--on some level or another--around longer?” Now, this isn’t some magic trick to keep her in your life. Plenty will come and go--the good ones on down to the jump-offs. However, this w...

Tariq Nasheed: When Women Turn Hoish

I got this video from TheMaybach84  channel . You can listen to all of Tariq’s Mack Lessons Radio shows here . You can also checkout his other sites here . (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

The Game Favors the Have-Nots

(This post is focused on the dating game.) The game is universal and favors whoever takes it seriously. However, the most thorough practitioners of this thing of ours are the have-nots. The reason for this is because have-nots are forced to use God’s wisdom (the game) in every endeavor merely to survive and achieve their goals. The haves can mirror the have-not by mind-fucking themselves, thus causing them to take this game as serious as a need, rather than a want. Now, for outsiders looking in, you may be wondering how a have-not can have stronger game than a have. The reason is that the strength of your game is based on your rate-of-return. (A rate of return is the gain or loss on your investment of game into a female over a specified period, expressed as a lifestyle increase based on where she was initially at when she first met you.) If you’re a have-not, with strong game, then your rate-of-return will be exorbitant. If you’re a have with strong game, your rate-of-return stil...


Before you start reading this post, I’d like to give some context to the poster. He’s a bachelor that makes $90K plus annually. -TheKing_65 For us 35+ cats, what's the best way to attempt to get no-strings-attached sex from an attractive woman? I continue to run across women that want relationships. Moreover, the only chicks I meet that are down for casual sex with me are the chubby and/or hurt face ones. -KS2500, May 07, 2016 (Post) Go international or date down. Considering the income that you’re bringing in, many women view you as their savior, so unless you’re willing to play that role, you’re going to have to date down. Most women only bring their ability to provide sex to the table. Being that you have way more disposable income than broke bitches, they’re going to throw you the pussy in an attempt to catch you. If you don’t mind dating women with little to anything going for them, then you can smash all the time. However, most females at your level are practicing hyp...

King’s Rule

Everyone knows about Pareto’s Rule (80/20). Well, in the Black community, we like to take things to the extreme, so I’m introducing my rule—King’s Rule (90/10). Now, if you observe the way females post on social media, then, you know that it is impossible for them to be making posts about the majority of Black men. Black women are fucking 10% of the male populace in the Black community. Moreover, 5% are affluent, and the other 5% are broke. Black females try to date rich guys in an attempt to come up. This doesn’t work out because average women are just liabilities for affluent guys, and affluent guys simply have too many other options available. So, Black females date broke guys because they can control them because broke guys are reliant upon them.  Now, 90% of the posts on social media are about the aforementioned 10% of men. Moreover, the dismissed 90% of the available guys aren’t dependent upon females. However, this 90% is invisible in the eyes of 90% of females. Thi...

Females Flirting for No Reason

Alright Natural Freedom, I have a question for you. This is a situation that in the past I have had happen to me, and recently a friend had this happen to him as well. My question is why do some women take your info, not hit you up, but when they are around you, attempt to flirt with you again like they did before you passed them your info? The reason why I asked this question is because I do understand why some women continue flirting with guys that have their info. I know that some women do this in an effort to keep the man constantly sweating them. However, guys that pass their info put women in the driver's seat and force them to either make a move or be forgotten, so their constant flirting now just comes off as pointless. I get the vibe that they do this for the purpose of relieving some guilt about having your info but not acting on it. I know that it is easier to forget about someone when they are not around as oppose to when they are around, however, I would like th...

Too Many Knife Stabs in the Back

I really avoid topics that could delve into gender-warring as much as possible. However, this post from Jemele Hill is completely unacceptable. Now, although, she shared the post, it is giving accolades to someone completely maligned against Black men. Furthermore, she cosigns his utter nonsense after her coworkers—some of whom are Black men-- refused to go to work after she was blackballed . Time and time again we’re seeing betrayal after betrayal from Black women.  Right now, the Black community is in utter disarray. Furthermore, the leaders of the community are Black women—rather they want to be or not. On top of this, the number of single-parent homes is over 70% in the Black community. Finally, the number of single women is close to 80%. To “remedy” this, there have been many quasi-discussions and utter pointless discussions to talk about things that can be done to rejoin the union. People go into our history and different reasons for the breakup, but by the end, nothin...