Reconciliation Between the Black Man and Black Woman

A channel that I sometimes view has posted a question to Black men that none have so far been able to answer thoughtfully. BGS IBMOR has posed the following question to Black men. When Black women eventually come around to apologize and reconcile our gender issues, what will we require from them? Now, some men have said sex. That’s a thoughtless response that doesn’t require further analysis. Others have given a more thoughtful response. The response they’ve given is that we’ll require submission. However, both of these responses are inaccurate on the macro-level. The reality is that, currently, our relationship is irreconcilable. The most significant proof is the adverse response that many Black men had to the below commercial.
Now, a lot of idiots take the commercial at face value, but I’m not counting them. These are the same Black men that spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to convince Black men to submit to female rule in the Black community. 
However, many Black men view the commercial with scrutiny. During this time, President Trump was talking about cutting many government-assistance programs. Aside from the programs benefitting White people and other groups, Black women benefit from these programs as well. So, for many Black men, it came off a little too convenient that around the same time that many Black women would be having their government-assistance benefits cut, they release a video talking about how much they love Black men.

This highlights how deeply rooted the problem is. Ordinarily, a video like the aforementioned would elicit gratitude and warm regards. However, in the case of a large number of Black men, it elicited scorn and further distrust. This is why, on the macro-level, when Black women come around to reconcile, submission won’t be enough to forgive them.
Now, some of you reading this may be thinking a few things. 1) You may be thinking that I’m saying the Black community is doomed then—since we can’t put things behind us and move forward. 2) Others may be thinking that I just went out of my way to endorse interracial dating. 
Now, I’m not against interracial dating. I believe in going where you’re celebrated, not tolerated, or discriminated against. However, currently, the state of Black men’s and women’s relationships with one another are irreconcilable. However, that doesn’t mean that it’ll always have to be this way. This is one of the rare times where time will be needed to heal wounds. However, it’s going to take a long time. For Generation X-ers through Generation Z-ers, I don’t see mending the Black gender relationship. These generations either hold too much vitriol toward one another or disinterest. However, if Black women begin teaching their daughters to be respectful and cooperative to their male counterparts, and submissive to their significant male counterparts, then by Generation Charley (assuming that generations keep being named phonetically) things will reconcile. If Black females continue to show favorable treatment to Black males from generation-to-generation, then there’ll be no reason for Black males to dislike Black females.
Lastly, you may be wondering why I only focused on changing the behavior of Black females in my solution. It’s because society changes the behavior of Black males. Black males are punished for going against societal norms, whereas Black females are rewarded for misbehaving. A few examples of this are Black women that primarily cause their divorces being rewarded with alimony and/or spousal support. If they’re reckless with their wombs and become a baby-making factory, they get rewarded with child support—even if the guy makes more money.  Also, they'll get government assistance. Now, at this point, you get the gist.

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