So-Called Good-Men

This is a post I meant to make quite a while ago. However, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time. Now, nowadays, we have a lot of these so-called good-men. Moreover, if you observe them, you’ll notice that many of them soft-shoe on the coon-train. Furthermore, many have very skewed views. I recall checking out a YouTube video where the guy compared Eastern Culture to Western Culture. He spoke about how in the Eastern Culture women are valued as prizes. However, over here, they’re not. In the video, the guy mentioned that if women in Eastern Culture do anything disrespectful to their man—or if they even get raped—they’ll be stoned or severely punished. He mentioned, however, that in Western Culture that’s not the case. However, the guy was cosigning that kind of treatment and basically saying that needs to happen here. Now, this isn’t the only instance that I’ve heard/read like this. I recall one instance where a guy made a Facebook comment saying that if you pass gas in front of your woman, rather than disrespectfully holding her nose, she should gleefully take it in. As a matter of fact, I recall one guy that told a story of a beautiful woman in a store that sprang up a conversation with him. The guy mentioned that the conversation had good chemistry. So, since the conversation had good chemistry, the woman asked the guy for a quarter. The guy reached into his pocket and gave it to her, and the woman leaned in and whispered in his ear that she’d like to have sex with him. This repulsed and turned off the guy. I couldn’t help but think to myself how ridiculous this guy sounded. Many of these so-called good-men complain about women requiring themselves to be chased, however, if a woman lets him know that she’s interested in him, he’s disgusted by this. Now, the guy was repulsed by this because his way of thinking was if she doesn’t mind letting me know that she’d like to have sex with me, then she’s probably done this before with different men as well. Now, in this regard, he’d be correct. However, he’s just looking at the smaller picture. He ignored the fact that what led up to her letting him know how she felt about him was the chemistry they had beforehand. When women have sex with a guy, it’s usually a variety of things that led up to her wanting to have sex with the guy. Obvious ones are typically money and status. However, after those traits, another factor could be personality. Finally, you have to factor in looks. In his scenario, the woman may have 2 of those factors or maybe all three. Adding in the chemistry, this is what led her to let him know how she felt. So, if anything, he should’ve taken this as a compliment, rather than being repulsed by this. By being repulsed by this, he really said more about his own self-esteem and how his self-esteem is really in the toilet. He clearly feels like he’s supposed to chase women. However, guys like him conversely get upset that women make men chase them. So, ultimately, what it boils down to is that many of these so-called good-men have an issue with women. Moreover, the issue these guys have with women can’t be resolved. If women happen to be interested in these guys and let these guys know, they’ll be repulsed. However, if women make these men chase, then they’ll get upset. So, ultimately, they have to be charged to the game.
Now, going back to what I initially mentioned at the start of the post, the soft-shoe cooning. For example, many of these guys on YouTube that I’ve noticed are supporters of Trump. Now, don’t be confused, no Melanoid person should support Hillary either. Her family did nothing for Melanese people--nor had any intentions to, either. In fact, Hillary is the one that created the term “super-predator.” Therefore, any Black person that’s a supporter of her is just as big of a coon. However, for a Black person to be a supporter of Trump, that’s a total freaking coon right there. He’s a blatant White supremacist and has always been one. He has a paper trail of court cases that he’s conceded and paid-out on. Moreover, his court cases were displays of his White supremacy beliefs. So, to be a supporter of an overt White supremacist, you have to be a coon if you’re Black. Moreover, with many of these so-called good-men, I’m noticing this trend. So, this goes into why these guys have such issues with women.
1)    These guys have low self-esteem.
2)    They just have an issue with women.
3)    These guys are lames, and they’re coons.
Now, many of these guys attempt to mask their overall stupidity with half-hearted arguments and pseudo-intelligence to explain their overall support of an overt White supremacist. Now, I don’t really get involved in the whole gender-warring thing because it’s a dead issue. However, to the guys that do subscribe to these individuals, they need to use their 3rd eye and 3rd ear to be discerning while
listening to these guys. Any guy that has a woman that displays reciprocal interest and wants to act on it and this repulses the guy should raise your antennas. Furthermore, any Black supporter of Trump, period, automatically goes on the coon-train. Therefore, you should distance yourself from the individual—unless you’re also a coon. --Derrick Mills, March 3, 2017

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