Most Black Men in America Now

Since I’m a unique type of guy, I don’t really focus on ordinary guys, but I’ve begun to take notice of something among men nowadays. Many men have become consistent complainers and perpetual procrastinators. Many guys today are like the slaves of the 1800s. Most guys now would rather sit around and mope about their current situation rather than actually get off of their asses and do something to fix it. This is something I’m not accustomed to. Furthermore, many guys now are incredibly stupid. It’s as though many guys have comprehension problems and articulation problems. Noticing these major flaws within men in society has caused me to better understand the comprehension and articulation issues that women are having. Many men and women perpetually interact with intellectual imbeciles, so their cognition remains at a remedial level; this is why it’s important to only interact with people going somewhere. -Derrick Mills, 06/26/2017

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