Combatting Racially-Charged Reverse Psychology Tactics

This post is late; however, I want to talk about combating these tactics. This post stems from the racially-charged reverse psychology attacks that Black men received during the Jussie Smollett controversy. Many Black men were skeptical about the entire incident. Some were like myself. I was on the fence. I didn't have all of the details. So, I decided to wait until more information was released. Furthermore, before speaking up for Jussie Smollet, I wanted to know would he emphasize his attack as being a racially-charged attack or a sexuality-charged attack. We have to be very selective of whom we speak up for--lest we have another Teresa Klein incident.
Now, Black people with their thinking caps on didn't immediately jump to Jussie's defense. However, that doesn't mean that we initially believed the NYPD either. We sat back and gathered more details. Ultimately, his scars and the medical report would reveal the truth. Moreover, it did. Jussie did not have the kind of injuries that a person being lynched would have. That told the story.
Now, idiots did one of two things. Either they immediately jumped to Jussie's defense. Alternatively, they believed the New York's Police Department’s report. Both of these options are wrong. In the past, Melanese people have been burned for jumping to the defense of a Black person that was terrorized in this country. In these situations, the Black victim chose to forgive the White culprit. Alternatively, police departments across this country have been caught numerous times hiding evidence and lying. So, that's reason enough not to trust what police officers say. The only reasonable thing to do is to gather all the facts and come to your own conclusion.
This brings about my post. Amid the Jussie Smollett situation, we had Black feminazis and Alphabet Movement sympathizers attacking heterosexual Black men for not speaking up for Jussie Smollett. This was done as a means of directing our behavior. The dominant society had its minions come out and troll Black men to force a response. This is a form of reverse psychology. In other words, this translates to: if you're not going to speak on behalf of Jussie Smollett on your own, then we are going to attack you until you do. This trolling tactic is a means of forcing our hand. So, we have to know how to deal with this. The way to deal with this is simple, though. One merely needs to point out that these trolls are spending their time attacking Black men that aren't speaking on Jussie Smollett rather than attacking the why culprit that attacked Jussie Smollett. Merely point out: doesn't that raise red flags? Disseminate the message to ensure that it gets around; that's it. Anyone that can't figure out that something is wrong when a group of people is attacking Black men for saying nothing as opposed to attacking an alleged attempted murderer is playing ignorant. These are the type of people you don’t want to convince your side of the story to. This only has to be done one time. Afterward, anyone that falls for this ruse is willfully allowing himself/herself to be tricked. Defending--what turned out to be a liar--because you're being pressured to do so cedes control to the other person. That person now has a means of controlling you. It's imperative to always control the flow of events and our responses to said events.

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