…Or Else

“Or Else” was a term that Minister Louis Farrakhan used years ago for a movement that he was pushing. However, the “Or Else” lacked teeth at the time. As things regress in this country, “Or Else” has to get a real bite to it. It can no longer be an empty threat. Professor Black Truth has stated things that are in-sync with serving as dire consequences for authoritative puppets not acquiescing to our demands. I side with this line of thinking. I’m going to pull from a group that everyone knows not to cross, the Jews. To this day, surviving partakers of the Holocaust are still being executed. There is no forgiveness for this, only severe retribution. We have to be like-minded in the heavyhandedness of our punishments for those that transgress against us. Asking people to do what we want won’t cut it. Moreover, mentioning using President Trump as a punishment for not complying isn’t severe enough. There must be severe punishment in place for transgressing. Nicole (of Nicole’s View)...