
Showing posts with the label Dating

Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Year Disguised as a Man by Norah Vincent Review by The Rawness

This book covers the journey of a lesbian who disguises herself as a man for a year and then infiltrates different groups of men to see what the world of men is like. I admit, I walked into this book with a lot of preconceptions, expecting it to be more politically correct or judgmental of men; I was very pleasantly surprised. She, herself, even describes how she walked into the experiment expecting to find her worst views of men confirmed and instead found herself much more sympathetic to them than she predicted. One part I especially found fascinating was when she described how different it was to approach women as a straight man than as a gay woman, and how women were so much more hostile to her approaches when she approached as a straight guy than when she was a gay woman, and how the narcissistic, entitled attitudes of a lot of these straight women actually started making her very misogynistic and angry towards them. Hearing her describe her struggle with her growing misogyny

Black Players: The Secret World Of Black Pimps by Richard and Christina Milner Review by The Rawness

This book is one I read a while back, when it was still out of print. I had to buy it used via the Internet, and a small, ratty, chewed-up, faded, yellow, torn copy of it ran me $50, and you know what; I still consider it one of the best bargains I've ever gotten, even though I finished it in a single night, mostly because it was so good I couldn’t help reading it in one sitting. The premise of this book is truly insane. Richard and Christina Milner were husband and wife, and both were students in the graduate program for Anthropology at UC Berkeley. For their doctoral dissertation, they wanted to do something different than the usual. At the time it was all about going to “exotic” locales like New Guinea, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and etc.; they decided that there was no need to travel so far when the ghetto areas of America’s cities had such a rich, fascinating culture that was just as foreign to a White academic as any of the other distant cultures anthropologists typica

Don’t be a 2nd Round Draft Pick In Play

 Are you the 1st or 2nd Round Draft Pick? Females make me laugh at the shit that they pull. They are used to pulling tricks on weak ass dudes. Had an old flame send me a picture message but I didn't have her number anymore because I delete bitches numbers when we're not doing shit together anymore, or they aren't benefiting me any longer. So, I asked, "Who was it?" as a response. I delete bitches numbers for another reason too; for them thinking I'm a backup nigga whenever their relationships end with the main nigga or other niggas. I'm not anybody's backup dick or go-to-nigga. I'm the number 1 draft pick , and if you hit me up like I'm a second-rate dude, I'm going to deflate your ego by asking who you are because I'm a saved number in your phone, but you are not in mine, and I forgot about you. You know a bitch's pride is hurt when she doesn't even tell you who she is but will pretend she didn't mean to hit

Dating: The Double Standard of Men and Women

(You can check out all of his videos here . You can also follow him on Facebook .) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

My Review of “If It Ain’t Broke”

Audio/Visual Pros “If It Ain’t Broke” is the independently made documentary by Kennan Morgan and his friends. The videography for the documentary is wonderful. The voice acting in the animations is also terrifically done. It is also great that he managed to find so many people willing to be speakers for his documentary--especially given his likely limited budget. The acting was also nicely done. Audio/Visual Cons Now, as I stated, all of the aforementioned things are great. The problem is the way some of the things were inserted. For example, there is nothing wrong with having animations in a documentary of this sort; however, the issue is the animations were comedically done. Also, the acting was comedically done. However, this is a serious documentary. Therefore, both seem out of place and forced. Speakers: Pros and Cons Next, are the speakers. Some of the speakers were very thorough; Dr. Jemadari Kamara, Melissa Waddy, Marilyn Jackson, and the woman at the 1:06:00 mark are

Age of Anti-socialism

Right now we are in an era where people would much rather converse with one another via texts as opposed to talking over the phone or meeting face to face; this anti-socialism started when Facebook became mainstream. Before this, it was nothing for people to greet one another and carry on normal conversations. Now, we are at an age where if you try to greet someone they may simply look at you like you’re crazy. Social media was created to be a platform to connect with one another around the world; it was not created to replace normal everyday communication, neither is texting. This gap in real life communication has caused breakdowns within our dating culture. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see women venting about guys not approaching them when they are out and about; however, these same women are the ones that when you approach them, will look at you like you are crazy. People need to begin abstaining from online conversing so that they can once again begin developing their real-l

A lot of relationships today are trick-hoe relationships.

A lot of relationships nowadays revolve around guys wining and dining bitches in exchange for sex; they’d be better off getting a prostitute. If the dynamic isn’t the trick-hoe relationship dynamic then it’s usually a jump-off relationship. The people will have nothing in common other than liking how they make each other feel sexually. Therefore, women will call it a relationship so they won’t sound like a slut, and guys will entertain the role of boyfriend so they can keep having regular sex with the female. This link  just further proves this. The guy did a social experiment to showcase how rather than expending time dating, if he cut straight to the chase and says I’m willing to be your sugar daddy if you’ll be my sugar baby how many women are okay with that, hence why they harbor on the archaic notion of men protecting and providing. (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-dat

A lot of black women need to step their game up

I was just at this Caribbean restaurant that I frequent where I was conversing with this Technical Sergeant (E-6). This woman was decent looking but deliberately being as difficult as possible with me. The sad thing though is that I could tell that she was feeling me and wanted me to pull her. I started the conversation by mentioning how attentive she was to this soap opera the restaurant was showing (it was the soap opera with Jennifer Hudson in it). We started conversing and she asked if I watch soaps for which I responded, “No. Most straight guys don’t watch soap operas.” Initially, she tried to debate about straight guys watching soaps with their women and bonding just like straight women watching sports to bond with their men. I responded that, “Straight guys normally don’t watch soaps. They can bond other ways.” Next she asked if I’ve ever watched soaps for which I responded, “Yeah when I was three and didn’t have a choice because my late-great-grandmother was babysitting me

Lace & Waste of Time

I’ve seen this mentioned a few times about lacing chicks. Some people believe that when a chick is acting out and being game goofy that she needs some good game to get her back in line. I believe that when she’s doing this she needs to be left to the lames she identifies with (why reward bad behavior). You can utilize the game to whip a person into shape (if they’re still susceptible to verbal whippings) but why waste the energy? (Rhetorical) It’s far easier to pull a chick that is already receptive than to whip a broad into submission. I’ve told homies before that adults should already come with certain life skills in place along with a certain level of respect in place; if that’s missing then she needs a father not a man. We upgrade these women not raise these women. So, with this in mind, why spend time dealing with uncooperative broads. My homie’s mentor has told him before that these chicks that are hard to crack end up being the most loyal once you pull them. An OGP has even

Accountability is the Key

Since you’re women you know (or should know) that your strength lies in your ability to be submissive to your man, so I’m not going to explain that. A question I hear a lot of women ask about is how to qualify their man before they decide to submit to him, so I’m going to briefly explain this before getting to my post. Qualifying a man should be common sense to you because you get hit on all of the time by different men but you only entertain those you fancy, so those you fancy are the ones you submit to. If you disagree then upgrade your qualifying skills so you won’t mind submitting to the men you fancy. 8-) Now then, being accountable for your actions and not repeating the same mistakes/decisions again is one very vital way to have a smooth relationship. Doing this will cause even the most hard pressed guys to ease up on you (unless they’re abusive in which case you shouldn’t be dealing with them anyway unless you like being abused). The reason accountability is so powerful is

Getting "approached" by women

A woman will always put herself into a position for you to "take the lead" if she is interested. I don't really call that approaching, per se, I call it "jocking". An example for contextual purposes. I was at a nightclub back in 98 with my cousin, who is also my best student and partner in crime, in Las Vegas. I made sure we got there early to be able to have a seat. So, as we sit, chat, and enjoy our drinks, the place starts filling up. Soon it is packed, and we are just having a ball looking at all of the women interacting with each other and how the guys are just acting a fool to get their attention. Suddenly, I noticed this FINE mixed black chick with flowing hair and a body from hell that kept on passing by us back and forth with her friend. What made it funnier was because there was always a guy behind her trying to get her attention. My brain didn't alert me to it until about the 3rd pass; the reason is because I always try my best to rule out


Narcissism is a character flaw that a lot more women exhibit nowadays. A lot of women that exhibit this character trait don’t even realize that they’re doing it. For instance, if you’re chatting with someone and they share information about what is currently going on with them and you listen and respond like a person that is interested in what they are saying then you are displaying traits of interest. Now say that when you share information involving yourself and they avoid engaging you. This is something that a person will do if they are disinterested in what you are saying. To test my theory try shifting the topic back to the person to see if that sparks their interest and causes them to once again engage; if so then you are dealing with a narcissist. If/when you determine a person to be a narcissist it’s best to cut that person off. Only deal with those that you share mutual interest in; if it’s one-sided then the narcissist is better off with herself or with someone lacking in

Mothers Sabotage Their Son’s Success With Women (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Don’t be a 2nd Round Draft Pick

1 of the most important things that a man must remember is to value himself above all. Thus, you don’t allow yourself to receive 2nd class treatment. When a broad chooses you, you come 1st. You don’t allow yourself to be her rebound because no one else wanted her. If her options are running low and she comes to you for rescuing, then she’s out of luck. Now, how do you know when you’re the second-round draft pick ? You know from the way you’re being treated. If she's antagonistic, condescending, and/or treating you less than, then you’re the 2nd round draft pick, so you need to drop her ass immediately. To prevent even allowing yourself to be treated and/or viewed this way you start off by putting your foot down from the beginning, ensuring that she knows she got the lottery pick, so she should feel privileged. Treat yourself as though you’re the shit if you want others to do the same; accept being treated like shit and you’ll forever be the 2nd round draft pick. (If yo

MORE NONSENSE: "Let a Man Be a Man"

MORE NONSENSE: "Let a Man Be a Man" Thirsty, desperate and stupid males chase. Smart and successful males choose. [CONCLUSION] If you don't know the difference between "chase" and "choose", please take a remedial class before coming to my classes next year. –Jai Duval (December 24, 2014) (You can find his blog posts here . Also, you can follow him on Facebook here .) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Don’t Become a Revolving Door

This post ties into the ISM . When broads begin kicking it with you and feeling your vibe they’ll become entranced by the ISM and won’t want to leave (which is a good thing). However, some broads are lame or simply not ready. Sometimes people have to go through some shit to get their minds, bodies, and souls right. I call this feeling the pain. Sometimes people have to feel the pain before shit becomes real to them. Now then, for example, I have a homie that was messing with a broad that’s a 10 (looks wise) and has a sweet gig that pays well. Shawty is doing her own thing and in the past messed with a pretty thorough brother. However, it just happens that my homie was a vast step up from her ex; such a vast step up until shawty couldn’t gather her thoughts well enough to adapt and get down with the program, so he fired her. Months went by and the ISM caught up so she begged to get back down with the game. He allowed her, after she contributed tangibles, only to have to fire her ag

Staying Grounded

The below post is a spin on Beasley Gatez’ post “ The Darkside of Mindphucking a Bitch ”.  I typed about mindfucking yourself on my page; this keeps you grounded and your game airtight so a bitch won’t come along and burst you open. I'll leave you all with this; this one is for the fellas to take notes on. I don't care how many times a female tells me the cootapuff is mine, even if she's down and putting in work. I know that bleeding once a month hole between her legs will never be mine. I have had many tell me it was, but I ain't still with them, and never have I believed such a fairy tale.  Women will get mad when you tell them. What's there to get mad over? I know you can get dick anytime you want. I am not special. I don't think for one single solitary second that the pussy is on reserve just for me, and you shouldn't either.  They can get upset, but that just means she can't ever pull the wool over your eyes.  They're going to do whateve

The Game is a Good for Us All

Many women believe that the game is a tool that men learn and utilize to thwart women from being users of men, and although it does cause us to become cognizant so that we can thwart the efforts of would-be users of men, the game isn’t just for that. The game helps both genders build each other up to the next plateau. I’ll use myself for an example. While I was overseas in Asia I was heavily in the life, and I don’t mean this in street terms but rather living the life that having game allows. In Asia, especially the part I was in, being a Black man was a rarity. Actually, being Non-Asian was a rarity. This helped raise my value exponentially and I took full advantage of this along with my level of game. Because of this I had very attractive women often, and I had them do what’s necessary to apiece me. Because of my rarity and how thorough I am, I often had women tell me that they felt like they didn’t deserve me. (Just like insecure guys place a certain value on themselves, so do w

Avoid Getting Advice from These Three Types of People

It's Cuffing Season. The Game applies to all aspects of life, but this is a topic focused on Women. It's cuff season right now. I was building with a few of my boys earlier tonight. I know a few players on here are either cuffed already, have a starting 5, or may still be on the hunt for meat lol. Please avoid these types of people when receiving help on your game. They are most likely going to be starving this winter. You don't want to be one of these three. My research stems from people I've observed in real life and on the UPA forums. 1. Mr. "Half-Assed" This is the type of cat who constantly denies the fundamentals of the game and will only obey them if they are convenient. This type of brother always has an excuse for everything and always tries to find a loophole in the game. Although there are exceptions to some rules, this guy will find an exception for every rule.  I.E.  MACK: A Mack must demand respect at all times; a mack must not let an