
Showing posts with the label Game

Getting the most information out of a female

What's good players! We live in a time where a person can build a reputation for themselves and then move to another state or even a country and start out "fresh." This limits us players because we don't have any knowledge on whether a bitch is crazy, a gold digger, a cheater, or whatever. So, I'm going to give you some tips on how to find out the most information directly from the bitch's mouth! "The only way to peep a fool is to let him show his hand, then you play your cards." –Jay-Z When is the best time to find out the most information on a bitch? Right when you meet her! The reason for this is because when you first meet a bitch, she has absolutely no knowledge of your morals or ethics. She doesn't know you from a can of paint. When you first meet a broad, you should keep your morals and values to yourself. The reason for this is because when you display them to a female--or a person for that matter--they'll put up a wall, and

Upgrading Versus Reinventing

(You can visit Tariq’s sites at  and/or . By the way, I uploaded the video from TheMaybach84's  YouTube channel .) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)


Before you start reading this post, I’d like to give some context to the poster. He’s a bachelor that makes $90K plus annually. -TheKing_65 For us 35+ cats, what's the best way to attempt to get no-strings-attached sex from an attractive woman? I continue to run across women that want relationships. Moreover, the only chicks I meet that are down for casual sex with me are the chubby and/or hurt face ones. -KS2500, May 07, 2016 (Post) Go international or date down. Considering the income that you’re bringing in, many women view you as their savior, so unless you’re willing to play that role, you’re going to have to date down. Most women only bring their ability to provide sex to the table. Being that you have way more disposable income than broke bitches, they’re going to throw you the pussy in an attempt to catch you. If you don’t mind dating women with little to anything going for them, then you can smash all the time. However, most females at your level are practicing hyp

Women Control My Life

Women are fucking up my life. I just slept with 7 girls in 2 days. As soon as I leave home, all I do is clubbing and hunting. I’m trying to change, but I’m addicted to this life. –zibusiso, Courtesy of UPA (May 08, 2016) (Comment) You need to sit back and meditate for a minute about the value you’re bringing versus the value you’re receiving. Realistically, doing this—in your situation—should make you feel like a sucker. Women rarely fuck for nothing. Usually, when they fuck a guy, it’s because of his value. Being that this is UPA, I’m going to assume that your presence turns them on. When you’ve embraced the game, it shines through everything you do. So, you don’t have to straight kick game to a female to lace her. She learns by watching how you conduct yourself. This can serve as the stimulus needed to entice her. Therefore, I’m not going to tell you that anything is wrong with fucking many women, and doing so often. However, you must make sure that you’re being benefitted as

Challenging Your Game

I’ve heard many fools talk about getting at uncooperative/unreceptive females in an attempt to challenge their game. Only a game-goofy clown would actually believe that dealing with uncooperative women is a means of testing his game. The way to challenge one’s game is to meet a cooperative lady and see how far your game can go with her. The measurement of one’s game is the results it derives. You can be a person saying magnificently well-thought-out lines, but if your game yields no results, then your game is nothing to your demographic. Furthermore, if you intentionally seek out challenging candidates, then your game is complete garbage, and so are you. The purpose in upgrading yourself is not to deliberately seek challenges. We upgrade ourselves so that we’ll be well-equipped to deal with opportunities when they present themselves. Acutely addressing issues is a byproduct of having game. So, you can have $1 million worth of game hidden within you, but never actually attain $1 mil

King’s Rule

Everyone knows about Pareto’s Rule (80/20). Well, in the Black community, we like to take things to the extreme, so I’m introducing my rule—King’s Rule (90/10). Now, if you observe the way females post on social media, then, you know that it is impossible for them to be making posts about the majority of Black men. Black women are fucking 10% of the male populace in the Black community. Moreover, 5% are affluent, and the other 5% are broke. Black females try to date rich guys in an attempt to come up. This doesn’t work out because average women are just liabilities for affluent guys, and affluent guys simply have too many other options available. So, Black females date broke guys because they can control them because broke guys are reliant upon them.  Now, 90% of the posts on social media are about the aforementioned 10% of men. Moreover, the dismissed 90% of the available guys aren’t dependent upon females. However, this 90% is invisible in the eyes of 90% of females. This le

Moving and Shaking

Peep! We've all heard the saying "Close mouths don't get fed!" That's a proverb worth its weight in gold for movers and shakers in the game. Traveling from state to state solo--I've picked up more than a few inseparable habits that have been beneficial to my wellbeing.  A couple of weeks ago, I found myself in the soulful state of Louisiana looking for relaxation and motivation. So, I bend corners through the infamous drive-thru Daiquiri Shop on the four-way of Lafayette. I copped me a lean Daiquiri and jumped fresh. Listening to K.R.I.T's "Drinkers' Club"--I hit the local club area downtown. This area is mostly college students and shit.  So, I get there and ask the parking attendant what's the move for the night. He names a club--promising a good time. He must not have peeped a nigga's pedigree. Because I get there, and it's live alright. Club full of 19-year-old white chicks dancing and throwing their asses off beat. Dr

Females Flirting for No Reason

Alright Natural Freedom, I have a question for you. This is a situation that in the past I have had happen to me, and recently a friend had this happen to him as well. My question is why do some women take your info, not hit you up, but when they are around you, attempt to flirt with you again like they did before you passed them your info? The reason why I asked this question is because I do understand why some women continue flirting with guys that have their info. I know that some women do this in an effort to keep the man constantly sweating them. However, guys that pass their info put women in the driver's seat and force them to either make a move or be forgotten, so their constant flirting now just comes off as pointless. I get the vibe that they do this for the purpose of relieving some guilt about having your info but not acting on it. I know that it is easier to forget about someone when they are not around as oppose to when they are around, however, I would like th

The Difference between a Dusty Dude and a Mack/Player down on His Luck

I was conversing with my friend that has been down on his luck ever since the job-freeze has taken place and decided to kick some game to him. I’m sharing it here, so players can learn some things as well. Alright, my homie met up with his latest chick, a lawyer, after she closed the office she was at. They had conversed a while before she had to head out. While chatting, she told him about the guy whose office she has been getting setup. The guy is a friend of the family, so she has been helping for free, or close to nothing. Now, for the work she is doing--and the amount of time and energy it has taken—dude should be paying her nicely. However, she is attempting to help him due to his relationship with her family. I told my homie the below. Tell her to start treating assisting him as a business and charge him, accordingly. Furthermore, tell her to throw that entire friend of the family shit out of the window. Family and friends are the 1st to fuck you over. They get away with it b

Overtaken by the ISM

When you become overtaken by the ISM, it’s as though your senses become heightened, and your awareness becomes laser sharp. Your words begin flowing smoother than ever before. Thoughts for your next words come to you unexpectedly and immediately. The aura that you give off quickly reaches its max potential. People around you take notice as though something magical is happening. Once the ISM takes hold of you, it’s as though you’re on a different plain where only you and those within your crosshairs exist. You feel as though God is working through you and releasing all of your untapped potential at once. However, once this wears off, you’ll only briefly be able to recount what has just transpired. Furthermore, this feeling isn’t a feeling to indulge in or aspire for too long anyway—since it will leave you spiritually drained. (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   supp

Mack of the Day

Alright, I've been on the Metagame for a minute and also on the X-Men trip here lately. However, in the middle of watching this new X-Men movie on FX, and deciphering game, I was hit with some cold, hard pimp game. The scene where Professor X and Magneto walking into the house to get Gene to choose up. Let’s stop right here and break down the game in this simple part of the scene. Now for one, both of these motherfuckers are rivals, but both recognize game and the rules of the game--as well as respect each other’s power and position in the game. Now back to the set. They walk in side by side and approach the bitch. Professor X starts examining the Bitch and fucking with her head with that smooth-player game. Moreover, Magneto spitting that prominent parolee-gangster take-over-the-world game at her. Both are trying to mindfuck the bitch even though they are both acutely aware that she is more powerful than they are. So, they are both using every drop of game in their arsenal to

So-Called Good-Men

This is a post I meant to make quite a while ago. However, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time. Now, nowadays, we have a lot of these so-called good-men. Moreover, if you observe them, you’ll notice that many of them soft-shoe on the coon-train. Furthermore, many have very skewed views. I recall checking out a YouTube video where the guy compared Eastern Culture to Western Culture. He spoke about how in the Eastern Culture women are valued as prizes. However, over here, they’re not. In the video, the guy mentioned that if women in Eastern Culture do anything disrespectful to their man—or if they even get raped—they’ll be stoned or severely punished. He mentioned, however, that in Western Culture that’s not the case. However, the guy was cosigning that kind of treatment and basically saying that needs to happen here. Now, this isn’t the only instance that I’ve heard/read like this. I recall one instance where a guy made a Facebook comment saying that if you pass gas in front o

How do I get into the game?

I'm having issues getting into the game. To make a long story short, I was homeschooled throughout most of my childhood. My parents knew that the public school system likes to funnel black kids into special education and decided to educate me themselves, which they did well. In the 11th Grade, my parents sent me to a dual credit High School where I graduated with my High School diploma and my Associate's degree at the same time.  Now I'm 18, turning 19 in April, working full-time, and taking a few classes at a community college as a Hospitality Major. I live alone in a condo that my parents own, I am about to buy a nice car, and I'm making good money at a hotel. Everyone tells me I'm off to a good start in life. However, I can't seem to meet women, and I'm anxious to do so. When I went to High School in the 11th Grade, I was around girls but most of them were Ethiopians, Nigerians, Indians, etc., and would stick with their own, even though a lot of

A Woman's 1st Simp

The first Simp, a woman, will meet in her lifetime will likely be her father. It's OK that fathers spoil their daughters. It's OK that they pander. They are parents. What's not OK is to try & say that a father will set the tone for how his daughter should be treated. Moreover, that she should expect the best out of men without her being taught how to be the very best woman for the man she wants to date. You set your daughters up for failure in the dating world when you don't teach them how to deal with certain guys & when you don't teach them how to be the type of woman men will want to date. To teach them to expect the best, and men should treat them like princesses, is to raise them as entitled, spoiled brats. They expect a lot out of men, but don't want to work up to that same expectation that men will have for them. Women (with simps for fathers) never see how a thoroughbred type of father acts & behaves & treats his wife because the

King Flex’s 7 Levels of Disrespect

1. Combativeness - passive aggressive form of disrespecting you. You say one thing, and she says the opposite for the sake of being disagreeable. 2. Slick Comments - dissing; "I want to start my own business" she sarcastically says, "Yeah, right." This is a subtle diss. 3. Insults - calling you names during conversations or out in public. 4. Public Embarrassment - When they are comfortable at home disrespecting you, then they do it publicly. They holler at you in front of strangers. 5. Slander – After dissing you privately and publicly, she begins dissing you when you are not around to friends and family. Alternatively, she may start putting your business in the streets. 6. Infidelity - She disrespects you behind your back and at home and sees that she can get away with it, so, now, she has sex with another dude. 7. Set You Up to Get Robbed, Killed, or Assaulted - blatant contempt. Moreover, you become a cuckold. Your life becomes endangered. Fella

Self-Mastery: Stop Trying to be a "Real Man."

"A real man takes care of his kids and knows how to treat a woman with respect."  "A real woman knows how to cook and knows how to treat her man."  You've heard these and similar terms before. They make up the vast majority of public debates and conversations about Black relationships between Black men and Black women, whether it's online, in churches, hanging out, etc. As frequently as this occurs and as passionate people become, most of these debates are mythological, just like arguing over who is a better player between LeBron James and Michael Jordan.  The most important part of the game, and life in general, is self-mastery. Knowing and controlling who you are, so you can turn yourself into the man, or even woman you want to be. The argument over "real" this and that, means that there is some external force that validates you as a real man or real woman, and until it does, you aren't real. If you believe this and apply it, your

The Dating Game

It’s easier for women to get dick than it is for men to get pussy. However, it’s easier for men to get sex from the women we desire than it is for women because, although they do the choosing, we do the approaching, so if we approach who we want we can have sex with who we want to. Women get approached all of the time but it’s not by the men who they want to approach them, so oftentimes it takes them a while to meet a guy who they’re really interested in. Also, men can have sex with multiple women and not get attached. Most women become somewhat attached to any man that they have sex with (which is why a lot of them try to limit the amount of guys who they have sex with). –TheKing_65 (October 30, 2012) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Acute to Chronic Simp-itis Infection

Simp-itis Infection Symptoms If you have simp-itis--either acute or chronic--signs and symptoms may include the following but not limited to: •Patronization of Females •Frequent agreeing with females to gain favor from them  •Slight to Severe Loneliness - (causing extreme thirst for women including attention-whoring) •Extreme Fatigue - From over worrying about getting a female (including the approval of women) •Excessive Complimenting Towards Females - Even when it’s NOT deserved  •Unnecessary Singing and Crying - To express how you feel about a female  •Reckless Emotional Behavior - After a woman gives you the "Cookie", you immediately catch FEELINGS OF LOVE (Stalker Type) •Emotional Love Letters: Written emotional letters to females with drawn tears and sad faces included More Severe Signs Include: •The frequent playing and listening to music artists such as; Kenny Lattimore, Brian McKnight, Keith Sweat, Tevin Campbell, and Frank Ocean •Taking hot milk bu

Life's Cruel Little Joke.

Life is a motherfucker. Moreover, also the ultimate revenge in some cases. While in high school and college, guys will pursue the hottest chicks on campus. Usually, these are the well-endowed or overdeveloped hotties. At this point, it can be argued that women have the power. Attractive women in their late teens and early 20's have this uncanny ability to get guys to buy them things--and sometimes even get them to pay their bills--simply because men find them attractive. Young guys will get discouraged and sometimes have a jaded view of women--but guys you have to understand--life will play a cruel joke on these women, years down the road. As with meat, dairy products, and other perishable goods women have a limited "shelf life." Hell, they even have a "best when used date." Women are at their prime between the ages of 18-35. It's this 17-year stretch that women can use their looks to their advantage. However, the tide slowly starts to turn when she hit