
Showing posts with the label Health

Media Backhanded Compliments Brought into Fruition

Remember a few years ago when I told people about how fashion magazines like ‪#‎Elle‬ and ‪#‎Cosmopolitan‬ were low key dissing Black women by doing all these fashion spreads with Gabby Sidibe and contrasting her next to attractive white women? Well now Cosmopolitan has stopped using subliminal disses and they are straight out using racist contrast tactics against Black women while propping up white women ‪#‎Whitesupremacyisreal‬ - Tariq Nasheed (April 2, 2105)  (You can visit Tariq’s sites at and/or . By the way, I uploaded the video from TheMaybach84 YouTube channel .) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Diminishing Standards

Like most men who have their life together, I like my women in shape. Sometimes I feel like I should’ve been born in the 50′s just to live in the 70′s era. Personally I think back then black women were the shit. Damn 9 out 10 were shaped like Destiny’s Child members. In this day and age, a vast majority are shaped like the female cast of precious. (Overweight, obese, or morbidly obese) Statistics– “According to recent studies, 50 percent of African-American women are obese compared to only 40 percent of Mexican-American women and only 30 percent of White women.” Why it’s men’s fault? I’m sure a lot of players, would like to point the finger at the sisters and blame them for this mishap. But the opposite is true.  Let’s think for a second players, somebody has to be banging these broads.  They have to be getting dick from somewhere.  For the most part, women and men alike look good to attract mates.  You ain’t brushing for hours upon hours trying to get waves for y

Fine Females and Bad Hygiene

This photo derives from here . This post, although it may seem somewhat comical, is very serious. Nowadays, females are less knowledgeable, and less concerned, about what it takes to properly groom themselves. It used to be that females that would have bodily odors were females that were too impoverished to be able to afford to properly groom themselves; now, we have a second class of females that also happen to have this issue. These females are the very attractive females that do not wash themselves properly. The fact that we have this issue is why I actually shared the post Good Pussy Game a long time ago. I recall once at work this female, that was very attractive, that came to work on a slow day smelling as though she had had sex earlier the day, but didn’t properly clean herself. Attractive females walking around smelling like after-sex are starting to become a common occurrence. Due to this, I take it upon myself to pull these women aside and let them know that they nee

The Sexodus Part 1 & 2

THE SEXODUS, PART 1: THE MEN GIVING UP ON WOMEN AND CHECKING OUT OF SOCIETY. “My generation of boys is fucked,” says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I’ve been getting to know over the past few months. “ Marriage is dead . Divorce means you’re screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family. That’s just the way it is. Even if we take the risk, chances are the kids won’t be ours . In France, we even have to pay for the kids a wife has through adulterous affairs .  “In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women . In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas , men are slipping into distant second place. “Nobody in my generation believes they’re going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had , and everyone’s fleein

Discussion about Homosexuality and Empire within Black Society

(You can view all of Dr. Boyce Watkins’ videos here . You can also visit his website here .) (The below is Dr. Sheena Howard’s response to Dr. Boyce Watkins' above video.) Dr. Boyce Watkins Charges Lee Daniels With Having A 'Gay Agenda' The new hit show Empire is three weeks away from the last show of its first season and has already stirred up some intense discussion, particularly in the Black community. The show is made of all the things a good drama is made of: sex, drugs and mayhem but of particular interest to me is the characterization of Lucious Lyon's (Terrance Howard) middle son, Jamal (Jussie Smollett) and the treatment of Lucious as homophobic. This interplay between Jamal and Lucious allows the audience to see the coping mechanisms Jamal employs in order to survive in an oppressive society. Not only does Jamal have to deal with the homophobia of his father, but he also has to face the perceived repercussions of coming out as a gay man in the ente

Dear Black People: We Need to Talk About White People’s Racial Issues

It’s Time to Be Honest about This Relationship In every relationship there comes a point when the people in the relationship have to reevaluate. Black folks, it’s time we engage in a long conversation about White people and their racial hang-ups. It’s time we reevaluate where this “situation” is going. We’ve been working at this “relationship” with White America for quite some time. It’s time we face the facts—this just may not end well. Frankly it’s hard to see how it could end in anything positive. Especially when you recognize just how deeply entrenched White America’s racial issues are for them. In case you missed it, White America has a problem: it can’t seem to let go of the White privilege and false superiority complex that its ancestors created in order to not feel guilty about benefitting from the destruction of entire continents of people. In its current version—that sickness is killing us. For example, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that the Dep

Tariq Nasheed talks about the Benefits of Having a Midwife

Check out the midwife game he drops from the 16:17 minute mark through 32:15 minute mark. (You can visit his sites at and/or . You can check out his Ustream on Sundays at 10pm Eastern Standard Time, 7pm Pacific Standard Time. By the way, I uploaded the video from The Last Negro’s channel . ) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Healthcare Game

The health care industry is one of the world's largest and fastest-growing industries. There is a lot of undercover fuckery that goes on in the Healthcare industry. It's a game and the pharmacy/drug reps work with providers who work with insurance companies trying to get as much money as they can from consumers/patient's. Ever wonder why when you go to the doctor they want to provide you with samples or prescriptions for drugs? Well it's because the drug/pharmacy reps pay them and provide doctors with vacations to offer their drugs. This way a patient takes the drug, has side effects has to visit the physician again to get more prescriptions and the provider bills the patient's insurance company who then refuses to pay the bill and leaves the patient with a high dollar bill to pay. It's a vicious cycle but it continues because the majority of people don't look into their healthcare cost and charges. Even the recent Healthcare Reform aka Obamacare was just