
Showing posts with the label Relationships

My Review of “If It Ain’t Broke”

Audio/Visual Pros “If It Ain’t Broke” is the independently made documentary by Kennan Morgan and his friends. The videography for the documentary is wonderful. The voice acting in the animations is also terrifically done. It is also great that he managed to find so many people willing to be speakers for his documentary--especially given his likely limited budget. The acting was also nicely done. Audio/Visual Cons Now, as I stated, all of the aforementioned things are great. The problem is the way some of the things were inserted. For example, there is nothing wrong with having animations in a documentary of this sort; however, the issue is the animations were comedically done. Also, the acting was comedically done. However, this is a serious documentary. Therefore, both seem out of place and forced. Speakers: Pros and Cons Next, are the speakers. Some of the speakers were very thorough; Dr. Jemadari Kamara, Melissa Waddy, Marilyn Jackson, and the woman at the 1:06:00 mark are

Bad Girls: Let's Be Honest Ladies, Aren't You Only Into Him Because He's Not Into You?

The authors left out one very important piece of the puzzle in their bestselling book He's Just Not That Into You . Deep down every female knows what that little piece of the puzzle is. Our perception and our reality are worlds apart when it comes to relationships today. Although our reality has drastically changed, our perception continues to remain the same. The tired but lingering perception still holds men responsible for the majority of problems experienced in relationships; which is not to say that women are unwilling to take a little responsibility. Women often blame themselves for giving and loving too much. Interestingly enough, females tend to only give and love too much when they are involved with males that treat them badly or at the least males that show them little interest. Could it be that females continue to love males like this because it is simply in their nature to be giving and nurturing, or could it simply be that females love a challenge? If you are a

You Have to be Willing to Lose Her in Order to Keep Her

Today I'm going to share with you players the one principle above all others that you must master in order to be successful with women. It not only works with women but can also be applied to anything in life.  However, I must warn you: This is not for the faint of heart. It takes balls to do what I'm suggesting here. However, I promise that if you do, you will make a quantum leap forward in your Macking game.  Whether you're trying to meet women by approaching them, or just attempting to maintain the relationship you already have, by mastering this one key, you will have the power to obtain incredible success with the female gender.  Are you ready for this? I won't keep you waiting. Here it is...  You have to be willing to lose her in order to keep her.  I'm a big proponent of spiritual/universal Laws. Moreover, there's a principle of spirit that says: Anything you're not willing to part with, you can't have. It seems that God will only le

The Sexodus Part 1 & 2

THE SEXODUS, PART 1: THE MEN GIVING UP ON WOMEN AND CHECKING OUT OF SOCIETY. “My generation of boys is fucked,” says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I’ve been getting to know over the past few months. “ Marriage is dead . Divorce means you’re screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family. That’s just the way it is. Even if we take the risk, chances are the kids won’t be ours . In France, we even have to pay for the kids a wife has through adulterous affairs .  “In school, boys are screwed over time and again. Schools are engineered for women . In the US, they force-feed boys Ritalin like Skittles to shut them up. And while girls are favoured to fulfil quotas , men are slipping into distant second place. “Nobody in my generation believes they’re going to get a meaningful retirement. We have a third or a quarter of the wealth previous generations had , and everyone’s fleein

Accountability is the Key

Since you’re women you know (or should know) that your strength lies in your ability to be submissive to your man, so I’m not going to explain that. A question I hear a lot of women ask about is how to qualify their man before they decide to submit to him, so I’m going to briefly explain this before getting to my post. Qualifying a man should be common sense to you because you get hit on all of the time by different men but you only entertain those you fancy, so those you fancy are the ones you submit to. If you disagree then upgrade your qualifying skills so you won’t mind submitting to the men you fancy. 8-) Now then, being accountable for your actions and not repeating the same mistakes/decisions again is one very vital way to have a smooth relationship. Doing this will cause even the most hard pressed guys to ease up on you (unless they’re abusive in which case you shouldn’t be dealing with them anyway unless you like being abused). The reason accountability is so powerful is

Being Submissive versus Being a Doormat

There is a difference between being a submissive woman and a woman who is a doormat. A woman who is a doormat is agreeable. She knows nothing about being submissive because she struggles every day to hold her tongue, and she struggles with her emotions; she has no self-control and is never ( accountable ) for her actions. Always the woman saying she's at fault for messing with a man who wasn't bad until the end. A woman who is a doormat is agreeable because she doesn't know how to be submissive; she's a fraud in her own body, emotional and disrespectful ( level 1 in the 7 levels of disrespect ). She's a smart mouth heifer too. A woman who is a doormat struggles with being submissive. She doesn't know where to be effective for her man; she doesn't know how to be an asset to her man, and she becomes a liability to the relationship. When the relationship has ended, she blames it on everyone but herself; a doormat will never see herself at fault; that's

Lions and Hyenas

Hyenas are matriarchal. The female is bigger and stronger than the male. Only the females are aggressive and tough enough to go against a lioness one-on-one; most of the males need to roll in packs to deal with one lioness. The Queen Hyena, the alpha female, is generally miserable; she's surrounded by other female hyenas always trying to take her spot and weak male hyenas who are always thirsty, but are punks, just laughing and acting the fool all the time. However, she knows she got to fuck with them, so she lays up to carry on the species. However, she's never happy, and her pack always looks ridiculous and disorganized--having civil wars, led by other female hyenas trying to take the #1 spot. Yet, look at the lions; they're patriarchal. Shoot a lioness will go out of her way to find a lion to lead the pack. She'll challenge him of course, fight here or there, but once he dominates over her, she'll accept his leadership. She brings him the food after it'


Narcissism is a character flaw that a lot more women exhibit nowadays. A lot of women that exhibit this character trait don’t even realize that they’re doing it. For instance, if you’re chatting with someone and they share information about what is currently going on with them and you listen and respond like a person that is interested in what they are saying then you are displaying traits of interest. Now say that when you share information involving yourself and they avoid engaging you. This is something that a person will do if they are disinterested in what you are saying. To test my theory try shifting the topic back to the person to see if that sparks their interest and causes them to once again engage; if so then you are dealing with a narcissist. If/when you determine a person to be a narcissist it’s best to cut that person off. Only deal with those that you share mutual interest in; if it’s one-sided then the narcissist is better off with herself or with someone lacking in