
Dealing with White Nationalists

“The Secret World of Mormonism - Mormon Cartoon”  Earlier today (about two hours ago) I was at a charity event. While there I had a conversation with an elderly man (71 years of age). We discussed many different topics starting with finances which led to schooling. The elder man asked me what school I go to and I told him. He told me about what to look into when choosing a school (because my school doesn’t show up as being a top-ranked school). I told him about my school and how it’s regionally accredited which is supposed to be better than being nationally accredited. He told me a source to go to ensure that I choose a top-ranked school. I told him that I chose my school due to its speed and its usefulness to me. (I go there using military benefits that cover three years of schooling. I can graduate from there in two and a half years.) Next, he told me about looking for jobs how it’s best to accept a role as an employee before going for management so you can learn the ins an

Always Stay Alert/3rd Eye & 3rd Ear

I’ll start by typing that I live my life according to the “ 48 Laws of Power ”. In the preface of the “48 Laws of Power” Robert Greene talks about staying alert so that nothing catches you off guard. Utilizing your 3rd eye and 3rd ear allows you to use discernment to what people are really saying to discover the untold truth of their words.  Now, at my job I’ve recently discovered 2 things. 1 is that there isn’t much room for career progression and 2 is that longevity is an uncertainty there. I’ve noticed since I’ve been in training that all of the associates seem to be walking on egg shells there. I’ve also heard it mentioned what’s required in production. The associates and up keep making it seem really simple to adhere to these standards but yesterday I managed to get a hard number assigned to these standards. (I already know what the standards are but now I know what 1 of these associates’ number is in regards to this standard.) His number confirmed my suspicion that progression

In Praise of the Bad Guy

In Pimp by Iceberg Slim, almost the entire book is devoted to his life on the streets, to learning the game of pimping and mastering it. Then comes a riveting account of his time in prison, and finally, at the end, a fiery denunciation of his wasted years as a pimp. This moralizing ending has largely been ignored. Instead, the book has become a manual for how to be the ultimate pimp. In his other books, it is the con artist, the gang leader and hustler who holds our attention and draws our sympathy. We become absorbed in reading about the pressures of life on the streets and how each individual finds a way to get ahead, by any means necessary. In The Art of Seduction I describe the Rake character, a man who is amoral and faithless, but who is devastatingly seductive to women. History abounds with such examples. Lord Byron slept with his sister, ruined many a young girl with his heartlessness, treated his wife abominably, but the women kept flocking to him in great numbers. After Erro

People Mostly Do What Benefits Them

In the light of the posts “Before you spend any money on a woman...” in the “Ask Tariq” section and “Hypergamy and Black Women Marrying Up” in the “Ladies’ Room” section these inspired me to make this post. A hard truth for people to accept is that in life people mostly do what benefits them (despite all of the moral fronts they use to sugarcoat it). An example is simply the post “Before you spend any money on a woman...” in the “Ask Tariq” section. The women are partitioning for the men to accept spending money while getting to know women on dates. This is beneficial to them. The guys are arguing that doing this disadvantages me because I get nothing out of this. On the post “Hypergamy and Black Women Marrying Up” in the “Ladies’ Room” section one woman clearly stated it doesn’t benefit women to date down. Her father told her to only date guys at her level (she means financially) or above (once again financially). Doing this benefits her. One thing in life people need to realize is

“Episode #260-"Tariq Nasheed Exclusive Interview with Best Selling Author Robert Greene"”

You can visit his sites at and/or . He also has the website . Finally, you can check out Robert Greene's site here: . (This video came from Malcolm Hampton Newton's channel .) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

The Game of Power

Introduction: This piece discusses the relevance of power in comparative as well as absolutist terms. One thing I have found is, the word “power,” contains specific connotations to most people. They hear the word “power” and it conjures up an image of absolutist, concentrated power. A king, judge, dictator or some other esteemed or highly influential individual. However, these roles are merely the symbolic embodiments of a concentration of power, saturated power. Power permeates the entirety of the societal structure in subtle and not-so-subtle nuances that dominate each and every social interaction. Everyone has a place. There is a pecking order. Sometimes the contrast is oblique, other times it is resounding. Power and popularity have an incestuous relationship; they fellate each other, reciprocally. One would argue that popularity itself is a manifestation of power, although popularity is certainly possible without power. Some would say popularity is a form of soft power tha

Crush Your Enemies Completely

Buona sera gentlemen, I'm in a particularly vindictive mood this evening. It's just as well; my mood will perfectly fit my subject of crushing one's enemies. I know, you're probably thinking I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and all I need is a few good cups of espresso to get rid of some crankiness, but that is not the case. What I'm about to tell all you lunkheads out there is of vital importance if you aspire to being powerful & successful. everyone has enemies First off, as much as you think you're a great guy and that everyone loves you, I'm telling you that you have enemies. Everyone has enemies. Enemies are a reality of business as much as death and taxes. If you could eliminate death and taxes forever, would you do so? Of course you would, so why would you not eliminate your enemies too? La Famiglia has taught me many things, namely: you can get around paying your taxes (just ask my friend Bob at the IRS); you can eve