
Colour-blind racism

Colour-blind racism (1970- ), also known as aversive racism , is racism that acts as if skin colour does not matter – even when it does. It is   the most common form of racism among white Americans who grew up after the fall of Jim Crow in the 1960s. It takes the place of Jim Crow racism, the meaner, more naked white racism common in the 1950s and before. Political correctness and the idea of hate speech grew out of colour-blind racism. So did the welfare queen and model minority stereotypes. It helped to spread the word “African American ”. Colour-blind racists say things like this: It’s not race, it’s economics … It’s not race, it’s culture … It’s not race, it depends on a person’s background … I’m not prejudiced, but … I’m not black, but … One of my best friends is black. My cousin married a black man. I voted for Barack Obama. I don’t see you as black. And believe things like this: I am not racist. Blacks are not willing to work hard. Blacks wan

White supremacists & feminists have the same ideology & argument structure

Black people commit the same crimes as white people, but black people are criminalized. White people riot & loot: Nobody says anything. Black people do it: Everybody loses their fucking minds. As a matter of fact, it's not even seen as white people looting, they say they're just "trying to survive," if you remember Hurricane Katrina. A white guy shoots up a school or movie theater, "he was a good, God-fearing Christian; he loved his parents, but had mental issues"; he either gets shot because they had no other choice, despite numerous warnings, or he surrenders. A black man running away from a cop: Put 8-10 bullets in him, fire upon his vehicle over 50 times on the night that he is leaving his bachelor party. They instantly reach for the gun first & nothing else dealing with us. It's always, "Did the officer know he wasn't armed? Did the kid fully comply with the officer? I'm not defending the cop. I'm trying to become m

Against his will: Female-on-male rape

"Go back to sleep." Groggy from a night of drinking, that's precisely what James Landrith did. The next morning, Landrith -- who was 19 at the time -- woke up in a bed that he quickly realized was not his own. As his haze lifted, he recognized the woman who ordered him to sleep the night before as a friend of a friend. He remembered she asked for a ride home after their mutual friend left the nightclub where they'd been partying. He remembered the woman was pregnant and bought him drinks as a thank you. He remembered feeling disoriented, and her suggesting a motel room to sleep it off. He even remembered lying down with his pants on, uncomfortable taking them off in front of a stranger, only to awaken later and find the woman straddling him. What he didn't remember was saying "yes." The morning after, that familiar voice told him that he could hurt the baby if he put up a fight. Then, he says, she forced herself on him again .

Coaching Available

To all of my fans, if you’re having issues I’m willing to address up to 5 of your concerns for $20. I’m willing to address individual questions for $5 a piece. Finally, I’m willing to have $50 1 hour Skype sessions to address any number of concerns.  Feel free to hit my email

Be on the lookout for my book!

Be on the lookout for my book that I’m working on. I should’ve it out by September of 2016. It’s going to be a fictional storytelling book involving game, corporate social politics, dating, and sex. (In case people are wondering, no it won’t be about me.)

Just one brother’s breakdown of this G.A.M.E.

Like a lot of you, since coming here I've found myself spending a lot of time reflecting on the game, tailor fitting it for my particular style. I remember when I first started posting I described the game as Gifted At Motivating Excellence; which is still great in my honest opinion, but I felt like it needed to better represent what I feel makes up TRUE game, far beyond just spitting at some broad. So peep... G = Gems This, to me, is the very foundation of game; without the gems of knowledge, how is one to know how to maneuver and make the right chess moves out here in this world full of traps and pitfalls specifically set up to ensnare Black men? How is he to know how to become a man of means if he lacks the information to do so? Who in their right mind goes to do battle without the proper weaponry? Huey P. Newton said the biggest problem in the Black community is ignorance and inertia, and that still rings true to this very day. He didn't mean it as in we were stupid

Bad Girls: Let's Be Honest Ladies, Aren't You Only Into Him Because He's Not Into You?

The authors left out one very important piece of the puzzle in their bestselling book He's Just Not That Into You . Deep down every female knows what that little piece of the puzzle is. Our perception and our reality are worlds apart when it comes to relationships today. Although our reality has drastically changed, our perception continues to remain the same. The tired but lingering perception still holds men responsible for the majority of problems experienced in relationships; which is not to say that women are unwilling to take a little responsibility. Women often blame themselves for giving and loving too much. Interestingly enough, females tend to only give and love too much when they are involved with males that treat them badly or at the least males that show them little interest. Could it be that females continue to love males like this because it is simply in their nature to be giving and nurturing, or could it simply be that females love a challenge? If you are a