
Metaphysics of the Game Part 3

Women really aren't that complicated. Either you are what they perceive as their best option, or you're not. It really is that simple. So, all you got to do is work on being the best man you can possibly be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Once you max your potential on all of these fronts, you won't have to think about how to open; you'll be too busy laughing to yourself at how hard this chick is trying to close! :-D B-)  Does this mean that you are stuck in a holding pattern until all of the boxes are checked off? Hell no! Potential being realized is just as potent as realized potential if you know how to portray it. It all boils down to how you feel about YOURSELF. Your un/subconscious vibe is what really does all of the work. The message I preach is so simple yet so powerful it boggles MY mind sometimes. It is an infinite loop that perpetuates itself much like the theory of perpetual motion. The hardest part is getting it go


Chamillionaire at Upfront Ventures. Photo by the author. It’s a sunny afternoon in Santa Monica, and the Houston rapper Chamillionaire is making himself comfortable in an airy conference room where piles of money are routinely doled out and negotiated over. We’re on the fourth floor of the temporary offices for Upfront Ventures, an investment firm valued at $280 million. If you look outside you can see palm trees poking up in the distance and the blue spread of the Pacific Ocean beyond that. Cham’s sitting in a swivel chair, resting his elbows on a frosted-glass table, angling forward as he explains to me the difference of being “rich” vs. being “wealthy.” “I walked around the music industry for a bunch of years, right? I saw a lot of rich people. I didn’t see wealthy,” he tells me. “I got into the tech industry, I see wealthy every day. The Snapchat CEO is 24 years old and a billionaire. How many billionaires do I have to walk around the music industry to find? I’m in Silicon

Game, Education, and what it means to be Free

Let’s break it down from the beginning: You're born into this world knowing absolutely nothing as a baby; you're innocent and dependent on parents and the good will of other human beings to feed you and keep you alive. As you grow older, your mind is accumulating data, because by nature, growing up means that you become less dependent on others for your survival. This is very clear in children. Your body grows at an insane rate as a child; your senses develop as well, all for the sake of improving your chances of surviving, by becoming stronger and proactive. As you grow, you get stronger, faster, smarter, etc. Throughout this time, you're learning more about the universe, attaining knowledge, so you don't have to ask questions or seek guidance from other people - this is what I mean when I use the word "education": it's a natural progression that is innate in human beings, who want to conquer the universe, so that they can lead more independent liv

Tariq Nasheed: Mentoring

(You can visit Tariq’s sites at and/or . By the way, I uploaded the video from TheMaybach84 YouTube channel .) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Down-Low Men

Here is a little free game for the women and men on down-low men. First, there is no such thing as a down-low man. Either he’s homosexual or heterosexual. Also, some homosexual men act masculine. Often women call guys who aren’t desperately trying to smash them, down-low. Guys who aren’t desperately trying to smash you, either aren’t interested or they just have control over their desires. If you’re encountering this, either step your game up or charge him to the game. P.S.: If you don’t know how to step your game up, then that’s an even bigger problem, and you should ask more questions to learn how. Furthermore, about down-low, women, please quit using this word because it makes you look very lame. Men don’t call fems (feminine lesbians) down-low. They’re simply lesbians. Women you should try using this approach: masculine men are heterosexual until proven otherwise. We men use this approach until proven otherwise: feminine women are heterosexual until proven otherwise. -The

Australia---the "good" and the "sad"

"The Good” The Ladies actually cooperate, very different from American women especially if you’re a brother. A lot of different nationalities reside in Brisbane and the Gold Coast areas. A few guys, American guys, I'm close with, found their wives in Australia this past year. Me, I, in my 6 days in Australia, I had to stand up a few chicks (FLAKE) on them because I just didn't have the time. I’d communicate with my girls through Wi-Fi emails; I would get their emails instead of numbers, of course, you know why, so many that I actually started to ask them to send pics when they emailed me so I could keep up. Brazilians, Britains, and French you name it, in those six days I met them. Even the guys in my video I met in Australia were like. "Damn MAC, you taking ALL the girls." We went out once, and I would break the ice for them with a group of girls then I would introduce them, & this is their country. However, as AMERICANS, I think we pride ourselves in

The Moynihan Report (1965) Chapter 4

Chapter IV. The Tangle of Pathology That the Negro American has survived at all is extraordinary -- a lesser people might simply have died out, as indeed others have. That the Negro community has not only survived, but in this political generation has entered national affairs as a moderate, humane, and constructive national force is the highest testament to the healing powers of the democratic ideal and the creative vitality of the Negro people. But it may not be supposed that the Negro American community has not paid a fearful price for the incredible mistreatment to which it has been subjected over the past three centuries. In essence, the Negro community has been forced into a matriarchal structure which, because it is to out of line with the rest of the American society, seriously retards the progress of the group as a whole, and imposes a crushing burden on the Negro male and, in consequence, on a great many Negro women as well. There is, presumably, no special reason why