
My Review of “If It Ain’t Broke”

Audio/Visual Pros “If It Ain’t Broke” is the independently made documentary by Kennan Morgan and his friends. The videography for the documentary is wonderful. The voice acting in the animations is also terrifically done. It is also great that he managed to find so many people willing to be speakers for his documentary--especially given his likely limited budget. The acting was also nicely done. Audio/Visual Cons Now, as I stated, all of the aforementioned things are great. The problem is the way some of the things were inserted. For example, there is nothing wrong with having animations in a documentary of this sort; however, the issue is the animations were comedically done. Also, the acting was comedically done. However, this is a serious documentary. Therefore, both seem out of place and forced. Speakers: Pros and Cons Next, are the speakers. Some of the speakers were very thorough; Dr. Jemadari Kamara, Melissa Waddy, Marilyn Jackson, and the woman at the 1:06:00 mark are

Has Manhood Gone Out of Style???

When did manhood go out of style? When did being a man STOP being the 'in' thing? Can somebody please tell me? Maybe I slept in that day or played hooky, or maybe it happened back when I was still getting high, and my mind was filled with cannabis smoke at the time. I've never seen so many metro-sexual, moist looking dudes in all my days. When did rough hands, strong backs, broad shoulders, and facial hair give way to skinny jeans, ascots, Just For Me perms, and openly displaying one's butt and drawers for the whole world to see? Maybe I'm just THAT out of touch with the streets. Somebody, please help me because when I was coming up, boys aspired to be MEN. We had examples of manly men all around us; dudes who loved women, played sports, fixed bikes and cars, rough-housed and fought; sometimes with just fists and sometimes with baseball bats. You know: MAN STUFF! These dudes nowadays are so soft they can't take a teasing without resorting to th

Coon Tactics

I always hate when I see Black people try to make excuses for racists. In this article , the woman details her experiences growing up, and talks about her children’s experiences mirroring her own. All have been labeled bad kids. However, rather than acknowledging that the teaching staff and faculty are racist, she says they don’t understand their own biases. Black folks need to respawn (come back to life because many are in a zombie state). None of the fools they say shit like her ever stop to ponder one thing. How is it that we’re able to treat everyone fairly while the dominant society isn’t? By the way, not to seem “radical,” the woman made certain to say Black people have the same biases. Anyway, if you pay attention to anything, you’ll notice members of the dominant society displaying normal responses to injustices—rather it is video games, books, etc. As long as we’re not the victims, the dominant society can see the injustices taking place. However, when we’re the victims, n

Great Migration, The (1915-1960)

The Great Migration was the mass movement of about five million southern blacks to the north and west between 1915 and 1960.  During the initial wave the majority of migrants moved to major northern cities such as Chicago,   Illinois , Detroit, Michigan , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , and New York, New York .  By World War II the migrants continued to move North but many of them headed west to Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, California , Portland, Oregon , and Seattle, Washington . Black Family Arrives in Chicago from the South, ca. 1919 Image Ownership: Public Domain The first large movement of blacks occurred during World War I, when 454,000 black southerners moved north.  In the 1920s, another 800,000 blacks left the south, followed by 398,000 blacks in the 1930s.  Between 1940 and 1960 over 3,348,000 blacks left the south for northern and western cities.       The economic motivations for migration were a combination of the desire to escape oppressive economic condition

Enraptured by the Ism

Alright, I am going to share with you (plural form) a story involving a conversation I had with an elderly member at my church. This conversation occurred after church had let out for Sunday school. Now, this conversation came about as I was heading home and was stopped by an elderly member that wanted to congratulate me for sharing my ideals during Sunday school. During Sunday school I was sharing ideas in regards to Justice versus Just-Us . Being that I am not politically correct, the ideas that I shared consisted of me simply dropping game. However, the elderly member wanted to thank me for sharing my ideas. This brought about my post and the Ism that I am about to get into. I and the elderly gentleman were conversing about various things from buying up politicians, to some of my travels, today’s workforce, and self-empowering ourselves. Alright, I made certain to be particularly thorough because his granddaughter was standing beside us listening and I wanted to ensure that I

We All Come From a Woman, but We’re also all Created From A Man

My inspiration for making this post is the over-emphasis on the fact that every human being comes from a woman. Women use this fact in an attempt to subdue men into submitting to their will. Therefore, I’m making this post to be a rebuttal for men to use. Now, we all know that we came from a woman, so this is common knowledge. However, what also should be common knowledge is that we’re all created from a man. Now, let me explain. The sperm that we hold is the seed of life. Once our sperm enters a woman’s egg, it has the potential to create a male or female. The woman’s body nurtures our seed, but our sperm is the seed of life. Therefore, although we all come from a woman, we’re all created from a man. So, next time a woman tells you that you came from a woman—in her attempt to subdue you—acknowledge this fact. However, inform her that you were created by a man, though, and so was she. If she needs an explanation, then you can explain this post. If she still tries to argue, then yo

Most Black People Don’t Identify Themselves with “Black Lives Matter”

Recently, the suspected White supremacist’s created group “ Black Lives Matter ” has been accused of blowing up a police vehicle and leaving a note behind to claim that incident . Now, it has already been uncovered that “ Black Lives Matter ” was created by 3 feminists. Furthermore, people that have attached themselves to the group—such as Feminista Jones and Deray McKesson  (Watch from 11:05-27:15)—have already been exposed as frauds and opportunists. Furthermore, in the past, when the “ Black Lives Matter ” activists were given a chance to voice concerns about real Black issues, they’ve squandered the opportunity by delving into emotions while neglecting to speak about more relevant matters such as economics. We’re seriously in need of reparations—along with other financial perks. Also, when “ Black Lives Matter ” does actually mention measures that it’d like taken, it speaks of rights for the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual ( LGBT ) Movement. Even at the Geneva Conventio