
Dr. Phil Valentine Rebukes the "Homosexual" Agenda & Endorses the Straight Black Pride Movement

You can find more videos from this channel here . Also, you can pick up the Wounded Womb here . Finally, you can follow them on Facebook here . (Disclosure: This website may be compensated for sales of products linked to.) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Handle Your Business First

As a man, one of the keys is that we ‘handle our business’ first and foremost. This starts with holding yourself accountable for your current state. We hear about accountability so much that it has almost become a sort of buzzword, seemingly without any real meaning, but it actually has a vast amount of power.  The premise behind accountability is that YOU have enough power over your actions that you are able to largely determine your lot in life. We, as individuals, may not be the ones who caused our current circumstance in life, but to take an accountable approach is to believe that you don’t have to remain in your present circumstances and can improve your lot in life by hard work and careful considerations. For example, you may not be where you desire to be financially. You can have two approaches. You can sit around and make excuses for yourself and never create any plan to improve yourself, and ultimately remain in your same position or be worse off, or you can accept that you

Modern Day Slaves

  A lot of Black people have completely given up and have devolved into savages; others have become straight-up modern day slaves, cooning at levels over 9,000 (pun intended). (You can view more videos from this channel here .) The passivity that Black people are showing nowadays is akin to that of the 1940s and before. One of the leading candidates in leading this passivity is the church house. People are forgiving things they have no business forgiving. All of this is being done in the name of being a good God-fearing person. Now, I haven’t read the Bible beyond what was required for my assignments in graduate school, but what I took from my readings were words of wisdom that equate to attaining dominion over this world. However, going beyond that, another reason for this faux sense of morality stems from Black people’s fear of going to Hell. This picture of Hell that a lot of Black (You can view more of this artist’s photos here .) people have painted is a pi

Is Self-Righteousness Plaguing Black Society?

If there’s ever been a time in our history when the tension has been at its highest, then it could be now. In the midst of our shortcomings, oppression, and our attempts to dig ourselves from hundreds of years of it all, Black Society as a collective might possibly be up against yet a new thorn in our sides, self-righteousness. We’ve seen it time and time again. In spite of our humanity, we as Melanoid people are expecting each other to reach some sort of “moral high ground” that we’ve yet to verify even exists. Granted, this isn’t stated to give the green light to counterproductive and ratchet behavior, but rather to highlight the recent wave of finger pointing that has run rampant throughout Black Society. Sadly enough, we’ve disrespected each other to a level that’s nauseating. If a notable Brother or Sister in Black Society doesn’t necessarily live up to everything that we as individuals prefer them to be, then we are ready to dismiss them with yesterday’s garbage. For ex

5 Black-Owned Companies You’ve Never Heard Of That Make $500 Million Or More A Year

By: Editorial Staff (August 18, 2015) AFRICANGLOBE – There are more than 2 million businesses in the United States that are owned by African Americans, but most are small operations with very few employees. However, there are many Black-owned businesses that employ hundreds or thousands of people, and generate annual revenues of $100 million or more – some even generate billions. Here are 5 of them that you probably never heard of: #1 – World Wide Technology Inc : Based in Maryland Heights, Missouri, this is a global IT company that serves the technology needs of large public and private organizations. Founded by David L. Steward, this company has long been the largest Black-owned business and has grown to more than $6.7 billion in annual revenue with more than 3,000 employees. Even more, they have more than 2 million square feet of warehousing, distribution and integration space. And yes, they are Black-owned! #2 – ACT-1 Group : Based in Torrance, California, this comp

The Black Authority talks about the gentrification and recreation of Detroit, Michigan

Watch 1:00-14:05.  You can view all of The Black Authority’s videos here . Also, you can purchase his movie “7am” here . (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

Don’t be a 2nd Round Draft Pick In Play

 Are you the 1st or 2nd Round Draft Pick? Females make me laugh at the shit that they pull. They are used to pulling tricks on weak ass dudes. Had an old flame send me a picture message but I didn't have her number anymore because I delete bitches numbers when we're not doing shit together anymore, or they aren't benefiting me any longer. So, I asked, "Who was it?" as a response. I delete bitches numbers for another reason too; for them thinking I'm a backup nigga whenever their relationships end with the main nigga or other niggas. I'm not anybody's backup dick or go-to-nigga. I'm the number 1 draft pick , and if you hit me up like I'm a second-rate dude, I'm going to deflate your ego by asking who you are because I'm a saved number in your phone, but you are not in mine, and I forgot about you. You know a bitch's pride is hurt when she doesn't even tell you who she is but will pretend she didn't mean to hit