
Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Year Disguised as a Man by Norah Vincent Review by The Rawness

This book covers the journey of a lesbian who disguises herself as a man for a year and then infiltrates different groups of men to see what the world of men is like. I admit, I walked into this book with a lot of preconceptions, expecting it to be more politically correct or judgmental of men; I was very pleasantly surprised. She, herself, even describes how she walked into the experiment expecting to find her worst views of men confirmed and instead found herself much more sympathetic to them than she predicted. One part I especially found fascinating was when she described how different it was to approach women as a straight man than as a gay woman, and how women were so much more hostile to her approaches when she approached as a straight guy than when she was a gay woman, and how the narcissistic, entitled attitudes of a lot of these straight women actually started making her very misogynistic and angry towards them. Hearing her describe her struggle with her growing misogyny

The Black Man Represents Power and Authority

Your subconscious mind can tell a story about you that you didn't mean to tell. The lie people want you to believe is the Black man is in a childish state. He can't control his emotions, so he's somewhat feminine; he can't "get it together". Don't believe the bullshit; in reality, the Black man is considered an authority figure and a very powerful man. Before I continue, you must eliminate dusty dudes, sissies, and "I want a White daddy" type of dudes. Growing up as a kid, you have been bombarded with images and sounds of Black men being very powerful and authoritative. Watching TV, kids of all races are bombarded with Black men as the superstars in sports, the coolest motherfucker in music, and the dude with the strong voice in movies and commercials. James Earl Jones played two powerful kings, King Jaffe Joffer in Coming to America and Mufasa in The Lion King. Another thing that people don't pick up on is the Image of God. Who is know

Ever notice how White Supremacist Elite use the same tactics of control?

Ever notice how White Supremacist Elitist, that run things, use the same tactics to control and destroy Melanoid Americans? I will explain these tactics below, but before I do, I must share a quote my history teacher taught me, “History doesn’t repeat History, People repeat History!” 1) Civil Rights Act . The Civil Rights Act was an example of White Supremacist Politicians passing bills that don’t really help us at all, BUT Melanoid People fell for it. Notice the results after the Civil Rights Act was passed. What progress was gained? We actually regressed. Dr. King was killed after it was passed. The Black Panthers took place after it passed. Again, Civil Rights Act was a Jedi-mind-trick, and Melanoid People fall for this every time. 2) Police Military over Melanoid People aka Martial Law. After Dr. King, who was a BoulĂ© back then, after all, and the Political White Supremacist pushed the Calming Pill down our throat, known as Civil Rights Act, the police agencies were goi

Black Players: The Secret World Of Black Pimps by Richard and Christina Milner Review by The Rawness

This book is one I read a while back, when it was still out of print. I had to buy it used via the Internet, and a small, ratty, chewed-up, faded, yellow, torn copy of it ran me $50, and you know what; I still consider it one of the best bargains I've ever gotten, even though I finished it in a single night, mostly because it was so good I couldn’t help reading it in one sitting. The premise of this book is truly insane. Richard and Christina Milner were husband and wife, and both were students in the graduate program for Anthropology at UC Berkeley. For their doctoral dissertation, they wanted to do something different than the usual. At the time it was all about going to “exotic” locales like New Guinea, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and etc.; they decided that there was no need to travel so far when the ghetto areas of America’s cities had such a rich, fascinating culture that was just as foreign to a White academic as any of the other distant cultures anthropologists typica

Mirroring the Code

This is a philosophy that I adopted from someone else years ago, “Never side with another group against your own.”. As a matter of fact, a variation of this quote is used in the film The Godfather. Michael Corleone says this to Fredo when Fredo defends Moe Greene for smacking him. This is something that the dominant society does when it comes to us; they never side against their own on behalf of us. If one of their own wrongs us then they go silent, deflect or play dumb, and wander off into another direction; if one of ours wrongs theirs, then they go on the attack. Due to this, I suggest that Melanoid people mirror this code; if one of ours wrongs theirs then go silent, play dumb, or deflect; if one of theirs harms ours then go on the attack. The fact that we are in the midst of a war means that there is no room for fairness or room to be unbiased; we simply have to pick a side and get coded. (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date

Undercover Agents at Work

I recall once when I was listening to Tariq’s Ustream where he had a caller, we’ll call her Tamara, called in about a faux-pro-Black coworker. At work, the woman, we’ll call her Jessica, would be loud and boisterous about inequality and White supremacy; this caused Tamara to eventually attempt to pull Jessica’s coattail and let her know that, although she agrees with what Jessica is saying, Jessica is risking jeopardizing her job by speaking the way she is speaking. The moment that Jessica heard this she immediately, behind Tamara’s back, went to their boss, we’ll call their boss Sara, to let Sara know about the conversation they had; Sara in turn pulled Tamara aside to inquire had she really said what she was informed of; Tamara decided to be honest and own up to it, since she really couldn’t lie about it anyway; Tamara did elaborate on why she had agreed with Jessica by citing indisputable facts that would align with Sara possibly being a closet-White supremacist, and Sara at

Dr. Phil Valentine Rebukes the "Homosexual" Agenda & Endorses the Straight Black Pride Movement

You can find more videos from this channel here . Also, you can pick up the Wounded Womb here . Finally, you can follow them on Facebook here . (Disclosure: This website may be compensated for sales of products linked to.) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)