
A Wasted Vote

Since it’s election season, people are gearing up for the presidency. Moreover, with the anticipation of a new president, anxiety is setting in for many Black people. Essentially, Black people are pondering what kind of harm can/will the new president cause to Black people. This isn’t the type of mindset that we should be having with a new president; however, it’s expected. No president has ever done anything specifically for Black people; not Abe or Obama. (If you look at the 13th Amendment , slavery is redefined as punishment for a crime . Furthermore, we clearly see that Obama hasn’t done anything for us.) Therefore, many Black people have taken on a “lesser of two evils” mindset when it comes to voting. However, this is the wrong mindset to have. White people vote for their further enhancement; Black people vote to prevent further disenfranchisement. Furthermore, many older Black people push the false narrative that our elders and ancestors fought for our right to vote. This

Stop Looking Through the Eyes of White Supremacists

White Supremacy is weak, lazy, and uncreative. Don't look through the eyes of White Supremacists against Black people. Let me briefly explain what I mean in my statement. White Supremacy is weak. In competition, you want to be the best by going up against the best. One thing White Supremacy is good for is pitting their best, with all their resources, against our weakest, with little-to-no resources. If White Supremacy was strong, it would stand toe-to-toe with our best. Do you know what it does when it goes against our best? It does one of two things: (1) It runs and hides. (2) It sabotages our best and blames it on us. This sabotage can be in the form of property damage, imprisonment, or death to the Black person or Black group. White Supremacy projects it's weaknesses onto Black folks and some black folks fall for it hook, line, and sinker. White Supremacy is lazy. When it comes to work, White Supremacists avoid it like the plague. They would rather lie, cheat

1919 Elaine Race Riot aka Massacre

The Elaine Massacre was by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States. While its deepest roots lay in the state’s commitment to white supremacy, the events in Elaine stemmed from tense race relations and growing concerns about labor unions. A shooting incident that occurred at a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union escalated into mob violence on the part of the white people in Elaine (Phillips County) and surrounding areas. Although the exact number is unknown, estimates of the number of African Americans killed by whites range into the hundreds; five white people lost their lives. The conflict began on the night of September 30, 1919, when approximately 100 African Americans, mostly sharecroppers on the plantations of white landowners, attended a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America at a church in Hoop Spur (Phillips County), three mil

Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Year Disguised as a Man by Norah Vincent Review by The Rawness

This book covers the journey of a lesbian who disguises herself as a man for a year and then infiltrates different groups of men to see what the world of men is like. I admit, I walked into this book with a lot of preconceptions, expecting it to be more politically correct or judgmental of men; I was very pleasantly surprised. She, herself, even describes how she walked into the experiment expecting to find her worst views of men confirmed and instead found herself much more sympathetic to them than she predicted. One part I especially found fascinating was when she described how different it was to approach women as a straight man than as a gay woman, and how women were so much more hostile to her approaches when she approached as a straight guy than when she was a gay woman, and how the narcissistic, entitled attitudes of a lot of these straight women actually started making her very misogynistic and angry towards them. Hearing her describe her struggle with her growing misogyny

The Black Man Represents Power and Authority

Your subconscious mind can tell a story about you that you didn't mean to tell. The lie people want you to believe is the Black man is in a childish state. He can't control his emotions, so he's somewhat feminine; he can't "get it together". Don't believe the bullshit; in reality, the Black man is considered an authority figure and a very powerful man. Before I continue, you must eliminate dusty dudes, sissies, and "I want a White daddy" type of dudes. Growing up as a kid, you have been bombarded with images and sounds of Black men being very powerful and authoritative. Watching TV, kids of all races are bombarded with Black men as the superstars in sports, the coolest motherfucker in music, and the dude with the strong voice in movies and commercials. James Earl Jones played two powerful kings, King Jaffe Joffer in Coming to America and Mufasa in The Lion King. Another thing that people don't pick up on is the Image of God. Who is know

Ever notice how White Supremacist Elite use the same tactics of control?

Ever notice how White Supremacist Elitist, that run things, use the same tactics to control and destroy Melanoid Americans? I will explain these tactics below, but before I do, I must share a quote my history teacher taught me, “History doesn’t repeat History, People repeat History!” 1) Civil Rights Act . The Civil Rights Act was an example of White Supremacist Politicians passing bills that don’t really help us at all, BUT Melanoid People fell for it. Notice the results after the Civil Rights Act was passed. What progress was gained? We actually regressed. Dr. King was killed after it was passed. The Black Panthers took place after it passed. Again, Civil Rights Act was a Jedi-mind-trick, and Melanoid People fall for this every time. 2) Police Military over Melanoid People aka Martial Law. After Dr. King, who was a BoulĂ© back then, after all, and the Political White Supremacist pushed the Calming Pill down our throat, known as Civil Rights Act, the police agencies were goi

Black Players: The Secret World Of Black Pimps by Richard and Christina Milner Review by The Rawness

This book is one I read a while back, when it was still out of print. I had to buy it used via the Internet, and a small, ratty, chewed-up, faded, yellow, torn copy of it ran me $50, and you know what; I still consider it one of the best bargains I've ever gotten, even though I finished it in a single night, mostly because it was so good I couldn’t help reading it in one sitting. The premise of this book is truly insane. Richard and Christina Milner were husband and wife, and both were students in the graduate program for Anthropology at UC Berkeley. For their doctoral dissertation, they wanted to do something different than the usual. At the time it was all about going to “exotic” locales like New Guinea, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and etc.; they decided that there was no need to travel so far when the ghetto areas of America’s cities had such a rich, fascinating culture that was just as foreign to a White academic as any of the other distant cultures anthropologists typica