
The Importance of Having Balance Within the Game

Although I harp on tricks, squares, and lames—all of them are necessary to bring balance to the game.  Now, to give credence to my argument, I’m going to share with you a little of my experience in Japan. Now, while I was in Japan, there was an overabundance of playboys, players, and macks within the area. Now, this may sound like a good thing—and to a certain degree it was—but eventually the women grew tired of us dealing with them--while we were there--before we processed out to another base, due to us not marrying them. There simply wasn’t enough squares to settle down and get married; this caused a lot of the women to shy away from many of the Black playboys--inhabiting the area—for the White squares. Women’s ultimate goal is to find a guy to settle down with--and with the overabundance of playboys, players and macks--they merely saw that goal being a pipe dream. (Now, this was only a problem for the playboys—we players and macks weren’t bothered by this.)  Next, is my sto

Females Have No Excuse to be Broke

(This post is relevant as long as a woman hasn’t had any unforeseen catastrophes.) Now, I know this some of you females and misguided males may think I sound misogynistic, but I’m going to explain my title. When you think about all of the added perks that women get just for being females, women have no excuse to be broke. If a woman has a child with a man and they decide to split, the court system will award her the child and will sentence the man to pay child support, and if he cannot afford to pay his child support then he will be condemned to jail--only to get out and to continue to be forced to pay child support—although now it will be harder for him to make his payments. Furthermore, child support is often granted as a covert lifestyle support fee—due to the amount guys often get assessed. Next, if a woman gets married and the couple decides to split, then that woman will receive alimony, so she will be paid for her time spent in a marriage. Furthermore, we have some states

Tired of being scared to approach women!

What's up, players. I know just by reading the title of my post, many guys are already thinking, "man you need to step your game up." Ok, so I'm in my late twenties, and I have never been able to consistently talk to dimes, never had the confidence to do so. Now, I have reached a point where I'm tired of settling for females that are in need of an upgrade. I want to get the girl that I actually want. Am I hopeless or deep down could there be an inner mack inside of me? I have almost all of Tariq's books, and I listen to the podcasts, but it is just hard for me to apply the game that I have received from listening to Tariq. I think I am just used to taking L's, so that makes it hard for me to gain any momentum. –Young Hustle, Courtesy of UPA (December 4, 2015) (Post) Understand the principle of supply and demand.  To get with women, you have to understand what they demand from men--not what they say they want, but what men possess that causes them t

Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around

Festival goers are pictured during the Hackney Weekend festival at Hackney Marshes in east London June 24, 2012. Reuters/Olivia Harris Scientifically, nice (heterosexual) guys might actually finish last. A study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin recently found that while men were attracted to nice-seeming women upon meeting them, women did not feel the same way about men. Researchers from the University of Rochester, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya in Israel investigated a possible mechanism explaining why women and men differ in their sexual reactions with receptive opposite-sex strangers. One hundred and twelve undergraduate students volunteered for the study at a university in central Israel. The volunteer pool was split evenly between men and women, and participants were paired randomly with an opposite-sex individual they hadn’t met before. The study examined burgeoning sexual interest

Putting Pressure On A Bitch: Stop the Games Women Play

So, jumping straight to it (and players feel free to add on). FUCK what anybody is saying; it’s all about... ACTIONS!! ACTIONS!! ACTIONS!! Like Tariq said in his podcast-- Money Stops The Bullshit --I’m building on just that. Question: you know that motherfucker that's been talking about what he or she is going to do and accomplish for years now and hasn't made the slightest progress. Well, how much could you trust that person? I mean granted they're "fuck-ups"; to what extinct can you leave them with responsibilities with major things (job, relationship, reputation, and etc.) are on the line and trust they won’t disappoint? Moreover, from this, let’s use a family member/longtime friend just as an example.  I forgot exactly which podcast it was; I think it was like recession hustling or something like that; 1 of the old Mack Lessons Radio shows. However, Tariq said (and, of course, I'm paraphrasing) that 1 should use their messed up circumstances a

If She is Interested, She will make Time

Alright, I’m going to share with you a few stories about the lengths that females will go to in order to see you when they are interested. Afterward, I’m going to tell you about the excuses that a woman will give you when they are merely wasting your time. To begin, I want to share a few stories from a friend of mine involving some women that he has dealt with in his past and what lengths they went to because they were interested. Now, the first female that he dealt with was a manager in a retail outlet. She would call him every day and try to talk to him all day. She did this despite having three young children and being a manager. Alright, the second female that he dealt with was also a manager at some company that would message him throughout the day on Facebook, just to keep in touch with him; she also has a young child and a teenager at home. Next, is the third female that he dealt with that also is a manager at a company. This woman would call him on her work phone while

Men Aren’t Shit Intro

So, I'm talking to my homie earlier, and he tells me about an argument that happened at his job. Apparently a brawd there wanted to have a gender discussion; fellas, whenever women wish to have gender discussions, just know that they are only interested in blaming men for everything wrong in their lives. Men leave them for being wack, and they can't get over it. They want them to stick around and so-called "work" on the relationship, but in reality they just want dudes to put up with them being wack & unwilling to change. So, back to the brawd that wanted to have a gender discussion, she ended up getting roasted by the dusty nigga at my homie's job. Let me give you a brief rundown about the dusty nigga. The nigga went on break, smoked weed, and came back into the building smelling like weed. If that doesn't show you that a nigga doesn't give a fuck about his job, I don't know what will. He also tried to fuck a female at his job, in the buildi