
Good Pussy Game

Sit back, enjoy some Pina Colada and hear what I have to say. Women, you must take care of your pussy. Your pussy is a life source. The pussy can bring life or death. It can make a grown man cry. Fuck what feminist say, your pussy is a source of pride, and you must take care of it. Cool cats I coach and fellow macks that mentor me on the game have shared pussy horror stories. We exchange information because we have a Game Consortium going on. One of the ignorant ass shits I hear from my fellow macks are chicks with bad pussy. What do I mean by bad pussy? Well, they destroyed their shit. God doesn't make bad pussies. Man fucks up a perfectly good thing by neglect and abuse. The pussy is perfect. It’s a collapsed muscle that can give birth to a bowling ball and snap back, but bitches don't know now to manage their shit. I blame their ignorant ass mommas for that. If you are a momma, the most important thing you will ever teach your daughter is how to care for and pamper her p

Thoroughbred Mack/Player

Alright, a thoroughbred mack/player drops game that lasts a lifetime and YIELDS results (anything less is just theories). Furthermore, the women that he allows to get down with him bring 100% cooperation to the table along with their support, and their contributions to the relationships’ cause. He truly understands how to apply the Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde approach while dealing with women and people in general (he understands how to tactfully apply love, compassion along with fear to those that even think of double-crossing him). Furthermore, he treats life like a game of chess and makes tactical moves daily combining to ultimately become checkmates (one big strategic move). He’s thoroughly laced in what he knows, and keeps his ego in check making him mentally untouchable. Once his finances get in order (which soon follows after the mental is in order) then he becomes physically untouchable. A thoroughbred mack/player understands how to take what seemingly looks like a negative situati


Chivalry started back in the cavemen days out of necessity not nicety. Men would move rocks from in front of caves, not because women were women, but because men were strong enough to do it. Furthermore paying for dates is bullshit unless there is an equal exchange going on (meaning that she pays equally too). In today’s culture, women occupy more of the workforce then men do, so it’s more likely for a woman to have money than a man. In the 1950s, men paid for dates or the woman just cooked, because women weren’t really working back then. -Jason Williams (August 22, 2012) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

The Money (Power) Game

Inflation is the reason that the U.S. dollar is not worth what it used to be. Inflation is the process of The Federal Reserve Bank, which is not part of the U.S., inserting new money into the U.S. economy. It's a hidden tax, cancer to your pockets! You see the U.S., and BIG BOY CORPORATIONS, I'm talking Illuminati type cats, petition the Federal Reserve banks for loans based off of forecasts or perceived needs, and growths of an economy or country the same way you go to local banks and ask for loans. Now the Federal Reserve is the only place that can create money. Everyone else can generate money. Money is currency. Get it? Currency Generates When the Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing but hope and dreams! Forecasts of what investors believe will come to past. Debt is created. Department is money!!! Pause. "As long as I owe you, you'll never go broke!" People that say having debt is bad are broke, poverty-minded people.  Wealthy people have Debt!!

FALL 2014 CLASS IS IN SESSION: "THE COMMITMENT: Never Leave a Young Male With Potential Behind For These Young Female Vultures"

 Accept it or not, YOUNG FEMALES (especially those classified as pretty), are being TRAINED (at home), by other family members, by friends and by THE MEDIA to find a way to GET INTO the life of YOUR sons or other young male family members and LIVE OFF HIS SUCCESS while literally SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF HIM. [HER JOB DOES NOT MATTER] MOST of those types are simply working UNTIL they get him or some other male to FINANCIALLY SUPPORT them. Even if she keeps her job/career, MOST of HIS MONEY will be required in order to MAINTAIN any relationship that HE WANTS with her. [SIMP PRIDE SHOULD NOT BE PASSED ON TO THE THE NEXT GENERATION] . I will accept that NO ONE was there to give US information like this so WE DID what we thought was the RIGHT THING which eventually caused DISAPPOINTMENT and DEMISE of MANY of us. Now that YOU WE KNOW BETTER, we should be COMPELLED to TEACH THE YOUTH BETTER so that THEY WON'T make the FOOLISH mistakes that we did. [CONCLUSION] Are you going t

Life is Like a Game of Poker

Life is like a game of poker, and being a Black male in America is like being dealt a bad hand while being a White male in America is like being dealt a good hand. However, in the game of poker, the one with the best hand doesn’t always win. The winner is the one that most skillfully plays his hand. If you know how to hold a staunch face, play boldly, and even bluff, you can trick others into folding when they could've beaten you. In life, it’s the same way. You can get around any obstacle if you have enough game. The power of influence allows you to persuade people into your side of things. The power of seduction allows you to use magnetic charm that attracts people to you, and the power of manipulation allows you to masterfully change other people’s way of thinking, whether they know it or not. Raising your game to a level where you’re able to use all 3 of these at-will will remove many barriers in your path and allow you to go around others. An example of this would be a beau

Greetings everyone!

I decided to create this blog so that I can express my views and discuss game in the original format using the original wording. (I'll clue you in where words have changed.) Now, you may be thinking that this is just another forum about game, since it’s in the name of the forum, and yes you’re right. However, I’ll discuss game in different aspects beyond just dealing with women since that’s only a small aspect. The reason I decided to create my own blog is that several blogs and forums discuss game but the game that gets explained to me is simply too basic on most forums until I just can’t stomach them anymore. There are forums and blogs that I’ve been clued into, and each one is thorough in its own right, but I wanted to create my own thing using my own lingo. So, without further ado, welcome, and feel free to look around, and thanks for visiting my blog and I hope that you enjoy yourself while perhaps gaining a new viewpoint and insight.