Her Power Is In Her Pussy

Most females know the one thing most guys want from them is their pussy. She knows the average man buys drinks, flosses his money, and steps to her with nothing but sex on his mind. So females have gotten slick. They know that if pussy is what you really want, then she's going to leverage the power of her vagina to her full advantage.

A woman that can control a man through sex will never have genuine respect for that man. She may be afraid of his physical strength if he's a hot head or a street nigga; but as a woman, she can never fully submit, heart and soul to a guy she can control in any way. It’s something about her genetic makeup. If she can control you, she doesn't really want you.

If her power over most men is in her pussy, then your ultimate power over her is in taking the value out of her vagina. You have to knock it down in value, in both your eyes and hers. A woman won't have genuine respect for a guy who acts like a pussy whipped trick, but she'll have all the respect in the world for a man she can't control through sex.

What you have to do as a Man is, you have to build up a true pussy resistance. Moreover, you do this by understanding where the proper value in sex really is. The most precious thing on earth is the seed. I'm talking sperm here. There's nothing on earth more valuable or more important than the male seed. A female's natural tendency is to crave this male seed. She needs it desperately; for without it, she can never fulfill her fullest potential as a woman by becoming a mother. Moreover, there are statistically more women on earth at any given time than there are men. So there are always more vaginas in circulation than there are dicks.

The numbers are clearly in the man's favor. We don't value rocks in our society because rocks are abundant. They're everywhere. However, now a diamond, that’s a rare thing. So we place more value on it because there are less of them in the world. Moreover, the same applies to men and women. You, especially as knowledgeable black men, are clearly the diamond. There are far less of you out there than any other type of men. Now there are plenty of black men in our society, but only an extremely few black men who know their self-worth. You are literally the cream of the crop when it comes to desirable mates!

However, the average black woman doesn't want you to know this truth about yourself. She would rather you believe that SHE was the one with all the value...and that her vagina was worth more than gold. She does this to keep her options plentiful. What woman wouldn't want an endless supply of available men, willing to do any and everything she desires in the hopes of mating with her? Moreover, it’s sad that so many dudes believe this too. That’s why they'll spend their hard earned money frequenting strip clubs, prostitutes, and doing things to try and 'buy' their way into some a$$. Most men are simply tricks at heart. Most married men got married to have some in house pussy, and they just take whatever else comes along with it.

However, as Macks, you have to live by a different code. In your world, pussy should have no value (unless, of course, you're pimping). In that case, pussy would be the goose that lays the golden egg! However, since most of us aren’t in the pimp game, you have to see the vagina for what it truly is: the perfect Jedi mind trick. A woman's heart is the gateway to her soul. Get her heart, and her body will follow. The key to getting the pussy is by not going after the pussy. It’s called misdirection. Go for her heart, and you'll get the pussy thrown in as a freebie.

Once you have her heart, you refuse to allow yourself to become addicted to her body. If ever she discovers you're addicted to her sex (pussy-whipped), its game over for you! That’s like giving her the cheat code to winning your heart! She'll play you for everything you're worth; and when she gets tired of playing with you, she'll drop you for someone more challenging and 'fun.'

So you got to reverse the pussy power game and use it against her. Remember: heart first, a$$ last. If you focus on getting her heart, she'll gladly give you her ass as a bonus. Along with her heart comes her money, her loyalty, her good credit, sex, and any other positive attribute you can use to better your life with.

This is some real shit I'm about to say, but its solid gold if you use it:

Never, ever give your heart to a woman. I mean EVER! Fuck all that Hollywood love story bullshit.You can give your heart to God and Jesus. However, under NO circumstances should you ever give your heart to some chick! I don't care if she's your WIFE!

She was made for you and your pleasure; you weren't made for hers. Keep your heart, and you'll always have the strength to think clearly and wisely. Don't be like Samson, who gave his heart to Delilah, and lost everything. He gave his heart to a woman, a Philistine woman at that, which signifies an enemy. Moreover, the result was she stripped him of his strength, and left him for better things. The strongest man in the world was conquered by the woman he gave his heart to.

Keep it mackish homies! Lose that pussy addiction, control your sex nature, and go for the woman's heart before you go for her cooch. This will put you in a league all of your own, since she's so used to guys trying to screw her right off the bat. Use her pussy as a weapon against her, or else she'll use it as a weapon against YOU.

Mack or die! –Mack Major

(You can pick up Mack Major’s books here.)

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