
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Puppet Masters are Revealing Themselves

This is a post that I’ve wanted to make for a while. The 2020 Election is heating up. Moreover, early candidates have already dropped out of the race. We’ve seen the departure of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker—among others. Now, more serious candidates are stepping into the fold. However, what’s different are the candidates. The democratic party has two billionaires that are running by using their own money, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. This is an important distinction. Most candidates run campaigns using campaign donations. However, these candidates are using their own money. In the past, these 2 were vital contributors to other political hopefuls and politicians to fulfill their agenda. However, as FBA marches forward, more democratic hopefuls are seeing their presidential aspirations crash and burn. Thus, there’s a lot of money that lobbyists are losing fielding political doubtfuls. This is what has led these puppet-masters to step into the light. They’re usually the ones pu

Reconciliation Between the Black Man and Black Woman

A channel that I sometimes view has posted a question to Black men that none have so far been able to answer thoughtfully. BGS IBMOR has posed the following question to Black men. When Black women eventually come around to apologize and reconcile our gender issues, what will we require from them? Now, some men have said sex. That’s a thoughtless response that doesn’t require further analysis. Others have given a more thoughtful response. The response they’ve given is that we’ll require submission. However, both of these responses are inaccurate on the macro-level. The reality is that, currently, our relationship is irreconcilable. The most significant proof is the adverse response that many Black men had to the below commercial. Now, a lot of idiots take the commercial at face value, but I’m not counting them. These are the same Black men that spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to convince Black men to submit to female rule in the Black community.  However, many Black men

The U.S. is trending towards Hyperinflation

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