Addressing the Elephant Coming in the Room


Ice Cube recently went on the show “Cocktails with Queens” to discuss his reparations’ crafted plan. While there, he was badgered, interrupted, and disrespected. However, while he was there, something was brought up that will have to be addressed eventually. Who gets what? One of the panelists questioned Ice Cube about his plan not specifically outlining anything for Black women. Instead, the plan focuses on Black people. This brings up an issue that often lies dormant in Black society. Usually, any benefits for the Black community are given to Black women.

Moreover, when anything is proposed for Black people, there are Black women that rally for benefits specifically for Black women. Now, Ice Cube addressed the woman’s question by inquiring: Aren’t Black women considered Black people. However, the root of the issue is that boisterous Black women want more benefits out of the reparations plan. They feel that they deserve to have more than Black men. The root of this entitlement is due to the government rewarding Black women at Black men’s expense. Moreover, this government excludes Black men from any benefits. Thus, Black women have grown accustomed to expecting more, if anything is to be given to Black people.

Therefore, this post is going to address the hierarchy of benefits. To start, Black men are going to get the most. Currently, the way benefits are geared in our society, Black women get the most, next come the children, and last come the men. The men don’t get any benefits. However, we’re going to reorganize this hierarchy. Now, Black men get the most, followed by the women, and last are the children.

Now, readers may question why do Black men get the most. There are various reasons why. I’ll start with the most easily understood reason. Everyone that works understands that jobs come with a hierarchy. Furthermore, everyone’s job requires him/her to complete certain tasks within his/her role. However, to break this down to a micro-level. Sometimes jobs create task-forces to complete specific tasks. Depending upon the task, the company may assign a leader. When this is done, the leader naturally has more authority and responsibilities than his/her subordinates. Thus, the leader is paid more. If things succeed, the leader is rewarded more. Likewise, if things fail, the leader is punished more. With power comes responsibility.

This leads to the second reason why Black men will get the most. More Black men have been leading effective actions to bring about tangible changes than Black women. Many male voices of Black media have been doing this for years now, while we’re seeing a surge of Black women joining in. It’s not a coincidence that more Black women are speaking out against White supremacy and collaborating with Black men’s efforts to bring about tangible change seeing as more Black women are being targeted by White supremacists’ attacks. Furthermore, they’re also being disadvantaged by White supremacy’s glass ceiling policies. Therefore, the collaboration is due to a common enemy. We’re not collaborating out of love—not that this would change the tangible dynamic.

This brings about the third reason why Black men will get the most. We’re restoring the natural order of things. Aside from the Black community, successful cultures are run by men. Our community was its most successful when men ran it. However, this isn’t done for free. There have to be tangible rewards for doing this.

Moreover, those tangible rewards cycle back to my first reason. A person will allow himself/herself to lead a team if he/she is properly compensated for doing so. No one will agree to lead a task-force if he/she is rewarded less than his/her subordinates. Moreover, Black men aren’t going to agree to this either.

By the way, some readers may wonder why do children get the least. It’s because children are dependent by nature. They’re dependent on their guardians and society at large. Moreover, it’s the adults’ responsibility within the children’s society to pave the way for their development into adulthood. Therefore, if more benefits are giving to adults, children will naturally have a smoother transition.

Now, let this be the definitive statement to anyone or any group that questions Ice Cube’s plan not specifying anything for them. “The plan is designed to benefit Foundational Black People. Therefore, if you’re a Foundational Black Person, you’re naturally rewarded from the plan. If you desire to attain more benefits—given your characteristics—you’re going to be disappointed because the plan won’t be revised for that. You are free to branch off and form your own group to attain benefits for those of your traits.”

Now, the naysayers that desire more benefits—given their traits—will either take my advice or troll to irrelevancy. Either way, no more time will be spent on them. Furthermore, those who feel that we must all stay together must be ignored and/or discarded if they cannot focus on obtaining our tangibles. This is another way of thinning the herd of our useless people and/or agents.

Lastly, I’m going to throw this in here. Black “women” and other naysayers condemning Ice Cube’s plan aren’t a coincidence. They’re a stall tactic. They’re here to buy Democrats enough time to come up with a counter-strategy to offset the fallout of Ice Cube’s reparations plan. When Ice Cube presented his plan to Democrats, they blew him off and told him to come back after the election. When he presented it to Trump, Trump took it and changed it to something we won’t agree to. Neither accepted the plan. However, one showed more willingness to be open to our demands. This highlighted the utter contempt that Democrats have for Foundational Black Americans. Moreover, with the election date drawing near, this was the final nail in the Democratic party’s coffin this year. If Democrats’ attitudes don’t change, their disregard for considering Ice Cube’s plan will be the nail that sealed off the Black voting bloc they once had.

By the way, these “women” and other naysayers must be viewed as agents and/or dangerously stupid at this point. Thus, they’re enemies. -TheKing_65, 10/22/2020

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