
Showing posts with the label Dating

Game De-Evolution - Good & Bad

Over the last few podcasts that Tariq has dropped he has spoken about the game devolving due to the landscape changing. I agree things have changed a lot but damn, are they like that, my dudes? Tariq says that nowadays men should just resort to "tricking" or "johning" as a way to circumvent the drama; I have to humbly disagree with this notion. I'd like to think of myself as a "game purest" of sorts in that I think regardless of what the landscape does, tricking is never the answer. I feel as though tricking is admission of two cardinal sins in the game: 1. Lack of Discipline - If you can’t control your dick to the degree that you've to pay for some ass, then you have problems well beyond being a John. 2. Giving up on the GAME - If you are negotiating "sex for pay", then you have waved the proverbial white flag on your mouthpiece (in my opinion). You are saying; "Here, just take this money, let me fuck you, and all is square.&

A Woman's 1st Simp

The first Simp, a woman, will meet in her lifetime will likely be her father. It's OK that fathers spoil their daughters. It's OK that they pander. They are parents. What's not OK is to try & say that a father will set the tone for how his daughter should be treated. Moreover, that she should expect the best out of men without her being taught how to be the very best woman for the man she wants to date. You set your daughters up for failure in the dating world when you don't teach them how to deal with certain guys & when you don't teach them how to be the type of woman men will want to date. To teach them to expect the best, and men should treat them like princesses, is to raise them as entitled, spoiled brats. They expect a lot out of men, but don't want to work up to that same expectation that men will have for them. Women (with simps for fathers) never see how a thoroughbred type of father acts & behaves & treats his wife because the

The Dating Game

It’s easier for women to get dick than it is for men to get pussy. However, it’s easier for men to get sex from the women we desire than it is for women because, although they do the choosing, we do the approaching, so if we approach who we want we can have sex with who we want to. Women get approached all of the time but it’s not by the men who they want to approach them, so oftentimes it takes them a while to meet a guy who they’re really interested in. Also, men can have sex with multiple women and not get attached. Most women become somewhat attached to any man that they have sex with (which is why a lot of them try to limit the amount of guys who they have sex with). –TheKing_65 (October 30, 2012) (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

The Importance of Having Balance Within the Game

Although I harp on tricks, squares, and lames—all of them are necessary to bring balance to the game.  Now, to give credence to my argument, I’m going to share with you a little of my experience in Japan. Now, while I was in Japan, there was an overabundance of playboys, players, and macks within the area. Now, this may sound like a good thing—and to a certain degree it was—but eventually the women grew tired of us dealing with them--while we were there--before we processed out to another base, due to us not marrying them. There simply wasn’t enough squares to settle down and get married; this caused a lot of the women to shy away from many of the Black playboys--inhabiting the area—for the White squares. Women’s ultimate goal is to find a guy to settle down with--and with the overabundance of playboys, players and macks--they merely saw that goal being a pipe dream. (Now, this was only a problem for the playboys—we players and macks weren’t bothered by this.)  Next, is my sto

Females Have No Excuse to be Broke

(This post is relevant as long as a woman hasn’t had any unforeseen catastrophes.) Now, I know this some of you females and misguided males may think I sound misogynistic, but I’m going to explain my title. When you think about all of the added perks that women get just for being females, women have no excuse to be broke. If a woman has a child with a man and they decide to split, the court system will award her the child and will sentence the man to pay child support, and if he cannot afford to pay his child support then he will be condemned to jail--only to get out and to continue to be forced to pay child support—although now it will be harder for him to make his payments. Furthermore, child support is often granted as a covert lifestyle support fee—due to the amount guys often get assessed. Next, if a woman gets married and the couple decides to split, then that woman will receive alimony, so she will be paid for her time spent in a marriage. Furthermore, we have some states

Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around

Festival goers are pictured during the Hackney Weekend festival at Hackney Marshes in east London June 24, 2012. Reuters/Olivia Harris Scientifically, nice (heterosexual) guys might actually finish last. A study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin recently found that while men were attracted to nice-seeming women upon meeting them, women did not feel the same way about men. Researchers from the University of Rochester, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya in Israel investigated a possible mechanism explaining why women and men differ in their sexual reactions with receptive opposite-sex strangers. One hundred and twelve undergraduate students volunteered for the study at a university in central Israel. The volunteer pool was split evenly between men and women, and participants were paired randomly with an opposite-sex individual they hadn’t met before. The study examined burgeoning sexual interest

Tariq's Advice: It’s Logical, but is it Practical?

One of the main reasons why most of us came to this site is because we either wanted to learn game required to pull chicks or become macks. While from a logical standpoint I can agree with Tariq's reasoning when it comes to game, I am wondering how practical his advice is? For example:  1. Not buying drinks for chicks in the club. I have not yet experienced or met a dude that can recall, after not buying a drink for a girl who asked, having her pop his collar and giving him play. She would just move on to the next dude she suspects is a trick. 2. Telling a chick what to do, instead of asking her. Long story short, the result is going to be an argument due to her getting an attitude. 3. Not taking chicks out on expensive dates. Simple, low-key, inexpensive--if these are the words that you would use to describe a first date--then be prepared to either not get a first date or a second (if she has enough control not to curse you out on the first date). 4. Not buying expen

The Female Friend-zone

(The below is a post with a female touching on things that I laid out in a previous post .) Ladies we’ve all done it--met a really great guy who treats you really well that you just cannot imagine yourself fucking.  He’s so amazing! He changes your light bulbs, takes out your trash, you invite him to your cookout because you know he’ll volunteer to supervise the grill; he even lets you talk to him about your man problems. He’s literally your bestie with a beard. The man is in love with you, and you know it, but you can’t help that you aren’t attracted to him. That’s just life. What I didn’t know until recently is that men are out here friend-zoning US . It’s so sad! A few weekends ago, I woke up completely distraught. I rolled my somewhat drunk ass out of bed, swung open my best friend’s bedroom door, interrupted her phone convo and screamed, “I GOT FRIEND-ZONED LAST NIGHT.” She looked horrified! We’ve honestly never heard of such a thing before. We are fucking gorgeous women wi

Her Power Is In Her Pussy

Most females know the one thing most guys want from them is their pussy. She knows the average man buys drinks, flosses his money, and steps to her with nothing but sex on his mind. So females have gotten slick. They know that if pussy is what you really want, then she's going to leverage the power of her vagina to her full advantage. A woman that can control a man through sex will never have genuine respect for that man. She may be afraid of his physical strength if he's a hot head or a street nigga; but as a woman, she can never fully submit, heart and soul to a guy she can control in any way. It’s something about her genetic makeup. If she can control you, she doesn't really want you. If her power over most men is in her pussy, then your ultimate power over her is in taking the value out of her vagina. You have to knock it down in value, in both your eyes and hers. A woman won't have genuine respect for a guy who acts like a pussy whipped trick, but she'll

This Isn’t Burger King; You Can’t Have It Your Way

Alright, what inspired this post is something that I’ve heard a few guys say in regards to decision-making and dealing with women. Now, it often gets stated that women like when guys are decisive. As a matter of fact, women actually hate for a guy to be indecisive. However, it has been stated by guys that in the same breath that women like for a guy to be decisive, women love to be indecisive, and will even turn down choices that a guy may choose when he is being decisive, only to ask him to pick another choice that she may like. Now, some guys actually entertain this nonsense; guys like this, essentially, put on a horse-and-pony show for their mates. These guys are simply trying too hard to impress their mates, rather than simply doing what I like to call “putting them on ice.” If you’re a guy, and your lady asks you to make a decision, then make the decision. However, if she does not like your decision then propose that she makes an alternative decision. If she can’t make an alte

Reality Starting to Set in

In the job I work at it consists mostly of women. Among those women, most of them are single mothers. Furthermore, most of them have tramp stamps (usual tramp stamps, tattoos above their breasts, and tattoos above their vaginas); also, a lot of them have tramp markings (tongue rings, bull rings, and navel rings). Now, an activity that I engage in is observing those around me. From my observations, I have overheard some interesting things. I overheard one woman talk about a guy she was with that dumped her because she could not cook and would not cook. She attempted to downplay this by saying she was not bothered by that, but she mentioned that she made certain after that to learn how to cook, and she now cooks for the men, since then, that she dates. Despite this woman attempting to downplay her being dumped by her boyfriend, it is obvious that it left an impression because she now cooks for every man that she dates, despite her complaining about hating to cook for her man. Another

7 Things To Do To Make Her Act Right

Let's recap: You've been dating this female for a while now. When you first got together, you couldn't stay away from each other. Late night phone calls: "You hang up." "No, YOU hang up first." Remember that? Remember when you first got together, and she couldn't keep her hands off of you? She practically threw the panties at you anytime you wanted. Your girl was a regular porn star, but not anymore. Things have changed. You argue way more than you used to. She needs her 'space' these days, which usually entails going out with her girlfriends more often than ever before; of course 9 times out of 10, she ain't just hanging out with the girls all those nights. Now when you call, your calls are no longer a priority. You can't seem to figure out what’s happening. The more you try and spend more time with her, the nicer and more understanding you try to be, the worse her behavior towards you gets. Moreover, let’s not even tal