Unionization is a Must for ADOS

I decided to make this post after considering the financial condition of ADOS’ members. It’s no secret that Black people are the last hired, first fired. Also, everyone knows that we have to work twice as hard for less pay. Finally, if one looks critically at any corporation in a predominately Black area with predominately Black employees, everyone knows that Black people are at the bottom. Now, one might say since they’re the majority, of course, they’d fill the bottom.
Furthermore, anyone saying that is correct. However, since this is true, shouldn’t they also fill the top? Of course, we know that although White people in this scenario are the minority, they’re the majority at the top. Furthermore, as the economic structure of America becomes more and more fractured, workers’ grievances are only heightening. Unfortunately, as these grievances worsen, ADOS’ grievances will lead the pack.
Nowadays, companies pay their employees as little as possible. When one couples this with the rate of inflation, it’s not hard to see how most Americans are living pay-check to pay-check. However, on the opposite side of the spectrum, corporate executives are receiving their most substantial salaries since the start of the last century, before unions came on the scene.
Many “journalists” and business-people yearn for the days when employees would finish school and come and work for them until they retired. Upon retiring, they’d receive a pension. However, pensions are being phased out. They’re being replaced by 401K’s. Furthermore, companies have far more reductions in force (RIFs) now. So, companies’ loyalty to their employees is at an all-time low as well. When you couple this with companies paying wages that aren’t outpacing inflation, you find employees switching companies often.
Now, from what I just laid out, it’d seem like the executives within these companies are to blame. Moreover, they are. Also, the stakeholders are at fault. Businesses are created to turn a profit. However, that profit is supposed to be distributed in varying amounts to the stakeholders involved. This includes employees, staff, supervisors, managers, executives, and shareholders. However, the greed of the shareholders is depriving employees of being able to support themselves better. Also, these shareholders are the ones that finance the politicians that meet with the Federal Reserve and inflate the economy. So, it is these shareholders’ faults—along with executives and so on. Shit rolls uphill in this case.
Now, it may seem like I lost track of the original focus of this post. However, I want you to get a better understanding of the scheme of things. During the 1930s—through the 1970s—, unions were their most active. This is the period that people talk about when they speak of employees working one job until they retire. Also, during this period, America was still on the gold standard. Now, our currency is fiat. This, basically, means it’s an IOU. Back when dollars were backed by gold, it was challenging to run rampant with varying the cost-of-living. There’s a finite amount of gold in the treasury. However, promissory notes are as infinite as one’s belief in your words.
So, scaling this back to ADOS. We’re the most disenfranchised. So, if the economy is in shambles, then we’re ruined. This also means that the glass ceiling has gotten lower for us. Moreover, wages will be further stagnated. Alternatively, firms will offer less money for more work because their managers understand that we’re desperate. Hence the need to unionize. These companies comprise of Black laborers at the bottom. ADOS makes up the majority. So, get together and hold meetings to draw up a charter and elect officials. Write down your list of demands and have an elected officer pass it on to human resources. When he/she gets terminated, everyone strikes. Shut the operation down until the company acquiesces to your demands. Enforce a picket line that can’t be crossed. This is how you increase wages collectively; this is what White people did back in the 1930s. These companies’ executives are never going to voluntarily decide to increase your standard-of-living unless you force them to. Never forget; this is America. Moreover, this country was founded on slavery. Furthermore, the dominant society enjoys paying people close to nothing; hence, why we have the prison industrial complex, i.e., New Age Slavery.

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