
Showing posts with the label Relationships

Tariq Nasheed: When Women Turn Hoish

I got this video from TheMaybach84  channel . You can listen to all of Tariq’s Mack Lessons Radio shows here . You can also checkout his other sites here . (If you enjoyed this post, then please consider   subscribing   to stay up-to-date with my latest postings and sharings. Also, please share and   support   Worldly Game.)

King’s Rule

Everyone knows about Pareto’s Rule (80/20). Well, in the Black community, we like to take things to the extreme, so I’m introducing my rule—King’s Rule (90/10). Now, if you observe the way females post on social media, then, you know that it is impossible for them to be making posts about the majority of Black men. Black women are fucking 10% of the male populace in the Black community. Moreover, 5% are affluent, and the other 5% are broke. Black females try to date rich guys in an attempt to come up. This doesn’t work out because average women are just liabilities for affluent guys, and affluent guys simply have too many other options available. So, Black females date broke guys because they can control them because broke guys are reliant upon them.  Now, 90% of the posts on social media are about the aforementioned 10% of men. Moreover, the dismissed 90% of the available guys aren’t dependent upon females. However, this 90% is invisible in the eyes of 90% of females. This le

Too Many Knife Stabs in the Back

I really avoid topics that could delve into gender-warring as much as possible. However, this post from Jemele Hill is completely unacceptable. Now, although, she shared the post, it is giving accolades to someone completely maligned against Black men. Furthermore, she cosigns his utter nonsense after her coworkers—some of whom are Black men-- refused to go to work after she was blackballed . Time and time again we’re seeing betrayal after betrayal from Black women.  Right now, the Black community is in utter disarray. Furthermore, the leaders of the community are Black women—rather they want to be or not. On top of this, the number of single-parent homes is over 70% in the Black community. Finally, the number of single women is close to 80%. To “remedy” this, there have been many quasi-discussions and utter pointless discussions to talk about things that can be done to rejoin the union. People go into our history and different reasons for the breakup, but by the end, nothing is

Game De-Evolution - Good & Bad

Over the last few podcasts that Tariq has dropped he has spoken about the game devolving due to the landscape changing. I agree things have changed a lot but damn, are they like that, my dudes? Tariq says that nowadays men should just resort to "tricking" or "johning" as a way to circumvent the drama; I have to humbly disagree with this notion. I'd like to think of myself as a "game purest" of sorts in that I think regardless of what the landscape does, tricking is never the answer. I feel as though tricking is admission of two cardinal sins in the game: 1. Lack of Discipline - If you can’t control your dick to the degree that you've to pay for some ass, then you have problems well beyond being a John. 2. Giving up on the GAME - If you are negotiating "sex for pay", then you have waved the proverbial white flag on your mouthpiece (in my opinion). You are saying; "Here, just take this money, let me fuck you, and all is square.&

A Woman's 1st Simp

The first Simp, a woman, will meet in her lifetime will likely be her father. It's OK that fathers spoil their daughters. It's OK that they pander. They are parents. What's not OK is to try & say that a father will set the tone for how his daughter should be treated. Moreover, that she should expect the best out of men without her being taught how to be the very best woman for the man she wants to date. You set your daughters up for failure in the dating world when you don't teach them how to deal with certain guys & when you don't teach them how to be the type of woman men will want to date. To teach them to expect the best, and men should treat them like princesses, is to raise them as entitled, spoiled brats. They expect a lot out of men, but don't want to work up to that same expectation that men will have for them. Women (with simps for fathers) never see how a thoroughbred type of father acts & behaves & treats his wife because the

King Flex’s 7 Levels of Disrespect

1. Combativeness - passive aggressive form of disrespecting you. You say one thing, and she says the opposite for the sake of being disagreeable. 2. Slick Comments - dissing; "I want to start my own business" she sarcastically says, "Yeah, right." This is a subtle diss. 3. Insults - calling you names during conversations or out in public. 4. Public Embarrassment - When they are comfortable at home disrespecting you, then they do it publicly. They holler at you in front of strangers. 5. Slander – After dissing you privately and publicly, she begins dissing you when you are not around to friends and family. Alternatively, she may start putting your business in the streets. 6. Infidelity - She disrespects you behind your back and at home and sees that she can get away with it, so, now, she has sex with another dude. 7. Set You Up to Get Robbed, Killed, or Assaulted - blatant contempt. Moreover, you become a cuckold. Your life becomes endangered. Fella

Females Have No Excuse to be Broke

(This post is relevant as long as a woman hasn’t had any unforeseen catastrophes.) Now, I know this some of you females and misguided males may think I sound misogynistic, but I’m going to explain my title. When you think about all of the added perks that women get just for being females, women have no excuse to be broke. If a woman has a child with a man and they decide to split, the court system will award her the child and will sentence the man to pay child support, and if he cannot afford to pay his child support then he will be condemned to jail--only to get out and to continue to be forced to pay child support—although now it will be harder for him to make his payments. Furthermore, child support is often granted as a covert lifestyle support fee—due to the amount guys often get assessed. Next, if a woman gets married and the couple decides to split, then that woman will receive alimony, so she will be paid for her time spent in a marriage. Furthermore, we have some states

Her Power Is In Her Pussy

Most females know the one thing most guys want from them is their pussy. She knows the average man buys drinks, flosses his money, and steps to her with nothing but sex on his mind. So females have gotten slick. They know that if pussy is what you really want, then she's going to leverage the power of her vagina to her full advantage. A woman that can control a man through sex will never have genuine respect for that man. She may be afraid of his physical strength if he's a hot head or a street nigga; but as a woman, she can never fully submit, heart and soul to a guy she can control in any way. It’s something about her genetic makeup. If she can control you, she doesn't really want you. If her power over most men is in her pussy, then your ultimate power over her is in taking the value out of her vagina. You have to knock it down in value, in both your eyes and hers. A woman won't have genuine respect for a guy who acts like a pussy whipped trick, but she'll

This Isn’t Burger King; You Can’t Have It Your Way

Alright, what inspired this post is something that I’ve heard a few guys say in regards to decision-making and dealing with women. Now, it often gets stated that women like when guys are decisive. As a matter of fact, women actually hate for a guy to be indecisive. However, it has been stated by guys that in the same breath that women like for a guy to be decisive, women love to be indecisive, and will even turn down choices that a guy may choose when he is being decisive, only to ask him to pick another choice that she may like. Now, some guys actually entertain this nonsense; guys like this, essentially, put on a horse-and-pony show for their mates. These guys are simply trying too hard to impress their mates, rather than simply doing what I like to call “putting them on ice.” If you’re a guy, and your lady asks you to make a decision, then make the decision. However, if she does not like your decision then propose that she makes an alternative decision. If she can’t make an alte

Getting Fine “Bitches“ to Cooperate

Alright, although it is recommended to avoid “bitches” from the start, it is also useful to know how to deal with a “bitch” if you happen to encounter one. Before I begin, though, I would like just to throw out that if you happen to be with a fine lady--with her mind right--that is cooperative, then there is no reason for you to enact the advice I am going to layout in this post. Now then, this post is about dealing with fine “bitches,” with emphasis on the word “bitch.” Alright, when you deal with a fine “bitch” you have to mash on her from the beginning. These women start out with their heads in the clouds and their feet off the ground, so they have to have their clouds blown away so that they can fall back down to earth; the only way to do this is to start out by being very hard on them; check them for every little thing that they do, and check them HARD. Have a no-nonsense approach with them because they will come with the nonsense. These type of women like to talk smart and

7 Things To Do To Make Her Act Right

Let's recap: You've been dating this female for a while now. When you first got together, you couldn't stay away from each other. Late night phone calls: "You hang up." "No, YOU hang up first." Remember that? Remember when you first got together, and she couldn't keep her hands off of you? She practically threw the panties at you anytime you wanted. Your girl was a regular porn star, but not anymore. Things have changed. You argue way more than you used to. She needs her 'space' these days, which usually entails going out with her girlfriends more often than ever before; of course 9 times out of 10, she ain't just hanging out with the girls all those nights. Now when you call, your calls are no longer a priority. You can't seem to figure out what’s happening. The more you try and spend more time with her, the nicer and more understanding you try to be, the worse her behavior towards you gets. Moreover, let’s not even tal

Black Players: The Secret World Of Black Pimps by Richard and Christina Milner Review by The Rawness

This book is one I read a while back, when it was still out of print. I had to buy it used via the Internet, and a small, ratty, chewed-up, faded, yellow, torn copy of it ran me $50, and you know what; I still consider it one of the best bargains I've ever gotten, even though I finished it in a single night, mostly because it was so good I couldn’t help reading it in one sitting. The premise of this book is truly insane. Richard and Christina Milner were husband and wife, and both were students in the graduate program for Anthropology at UC Berkeley. For their doctoral dissertation, they wanted to do something different than the usual. At the time it was all about going to “exotic” locales like New Guinea, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and etc.; they decided that there was no need to travel so far when the ghetto areas of America’s cities had such a rich, fascinating culture that was just as foreign to a White academic as any of the other distant cultures anthropologists typica

Don’t be a 2nd Round Draft Pick In Play

 Are you the 1st or 2nd Round Draft Pick? Females make me laugh at the shit that they pull. They are used to pulling tricks on weak ass dudes. Had an old flame send me a picture message but I didn't have her number anymore because I delete bitches numbers when we're not doing shit together anymore, or they aren't benefiting me any longer. So, I asked, "Who was it?" as a response. I delete bitches numbers for another reason too; for them thinking I'm a backup nigga whenever their relationships end with the main nigga or other niggas. I'm not anybody's backup dick or go-to-nigga. I'm the number 1 draft pick , and if you hit me up like I'm a second-rate dude, I'm going to deflate your ego by asking who you are because I'm a saved number in your phone, but you are not in mine, and I forgot about you. You know a bitch's pride is hurt when she doesn't even tell you who she is but will pretend she didn't mean to hit