Red-Pill Guys: Social Justice Hypocrites
As I’ve previously stated, I’m not really a social justice warrior—unless speaking of one’s issues qualifies one as such. Moreover, this post elaborates on this. Many guys that subscribe to red-pill philosophy consider themselves to be above moral constraints and ethics; in other words, they play to win. However, if you read their posts, many take time out of their day to make posts that confer about gender politics—specifically feminism. They usually talk about the negative effects that feminism has on society and how patriarchy is needed. Furthermore, they point out the hypocrisies that lie within feminist rhetoric. Now, all of this is well and good, however—based on the logic of these red-pill guys—wouldn't this qualify them as social justice warriors? They’re speaking about the ills of society. This brings about my point; most people talk about issues paramount to them. This is commonplace. This is why I talk about racism. However, according to many red-pill guys, a person that talks about racism falls underneath the social justice banner; see the contradiction. Now, although I’m not a social justice warrior—and I’ve expressed my thoughts about social justice warriors—I’ll say that it’s better to be a social justice warrior than to remain a silent sap. By remaining silent to injustices infringed upon yourself, you invite more injustices to happen. This is what happened to Black people back in the 1950’s (the so-called good old days). This kind of silence against ills brought upon you will cause one to mentally deteriorate and lose himself/herself. Eventually, you’ll forsake yourself (like many of our Black elders did) or you’ll boil over and fight back (like some of our more radical elders did). However, once again, you'll be labeled a social justice warrior—according to red-pill philosophy. :-J You make your choice.
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