Chinks in the Armor

For the longest, White supremacy’s greatest strength has been its codification. However, chinks are beginning to form in the armor. Thus, it’s beginning to lose its grip on the world. To illustrate my point, I’ll point to 2 of its most outspoken proponents, Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos. Both have unceremoniously fallen from grace. Both are broke, despite their White privileges. However, even the alliance has shattered. Milo leaked audio of Richard Spencer stating how he really felt about having his Unite the Right event being canceled in North Carolina.  He stated what was already known; he’s a White supremacist. However, he stated another Universal Truth that I’ve touched on. This world is predicated on Winners and Losers.
Richard Spencer isn’t the only chink in the armor to rear its ugly face. We have the college cheating scandal. Lisa Cabrera further showcased that there’s a hidden building in Kenya that many White elitists solicit schoolwork from to help their dumb kids pass. This kills the high IQ lie.
Delving further into the façade of the intellectual White supremacist, high-ranking White supremacists have had to restructure their images to the masses. Initially, Bernie Sanders was presented as being erudite. However, now that he’s stumbled on his words so many times, he’s presented as being an idiot. Joe Biden, initially, was presented as being a good ole boy. Now, he’s a shy ole boy. He’s afraid to stand on his square (Biden’s Law), now. Donald Trump went from being an acute businessman to an entertaining moron. ADOS has forced White supremacist mainstays to rebrand themselves. Also, ADOS has killed old rhetorics. This is what you call, “taking control of the narrative.” In doing so, ADOS has killed the belief that ADOS are dimwitted and easily tricked. ADOS being slow on the uptake has frequently been an act that individuals have portrayed as a means of come-up off of the dominant society. It simply was a tool of survival.
 “Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker; Seem Dumber than your Mark.” -Robert Greene, 48 Laws of Power
However, now that’s no longer prudent to do so, many have stopped playing dumb. So, now, the dominant society gets to see how cunning many ADOS individuals actually are. Of course, if one thinks about this critically, this shouldn’t be a surprise. Many of the world’s inventions came from ADOS ancestors. Thus, it stands to reason that ADOS individuals were never as dumb as we seemed.

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