The Trojan Horse

Recently, there has been a dispute between (F)oundational (B)lack (A)mericans and (A)merican (D)escendants (O)f (S)laves. The conflict came to light in the public after Antonio Moore voiced his grievances with Tariq Nasheed over his FBA Conference next year. Antonio called it a competing conference. Now, their dispute has nothing to do with me. However, Tariq brought to light something interesting. Until now, I—like most—assumed that ADOS was centered on one’s lineage. However, Tariq highlighted that it’s a two-prong movement. Part of the movement is centered on one’s lineage. The other part is a (P)olitical (A)ction (C)ommittee geared around to ensuring that it gets certain democrats in office. Now, I understand why their primary focus would be the Democrats. However, they shouldn’t be the only focus. However, Yvette and Antonio (the leaders) have made it clear that ADOS doesn’t support republicans. Now, contrary to liberals (Democrats), the conservatives (Republicans) have been overt with their disdain of (N)ative (B)lack (A)mericans. Thus, NBA has collectively withheld our votes from republicans. Meanwhile, Democrats have been more covert their disdain. So, it makes sense for ADOS to target democrats more heavily.
However, this is where empathy ends. Neither party is offering anything. Thus, neither deserves the loyalty of NBA. We can’t offer any support to any party without tangibles. Furthermore, no party can be left off the table. Thus, we’re independent.
Now, this brings about the gist of the post. Yvette and Antonio are using the lineage of NBA to bolster its number for its PAC. Most people cosigning ADOS weren’t aware of the PAC, its chapters, and bylaws. Most people cosigning ADOS weren’t aware of the PAC, its chapters, and bylaws. Most importantly, most were unaware of its affiliation with the Democratic Party. This creates a possible bait-and-switch situation at best and a trojan horse at worst. Antonio and Yvette are too intelligent to create a group and PAC of the same name coincidentally. So, this was intentionally misleading.
Moreover, this is dangerous. The (F)ederal (B)ureau of (I)nvestigations has already created the ambiguous term, (B)lack (I)dentity (E)xtremist. Therefore, the actions taken by NBA persons in the name of ADOS could cause the group to be labeled a terrorist group. The collective actions of NBA people to antagonize the unjust system in place are just the ramblings of an ethnic group. The collective actions of NBA people to antagonize the unjust system in place—in the name of the group—are revolutionary. This invites government infiltration to learn the inner workings of the group. This also plants the seed to build another political case that can cause another Mumia Abu-Jamal situation; a political activist goes away for decades on a trumped-up charge.
Now, going back to when I mentioned the sleight of hand at play concerning the PAC and the lineage. Antonio and Yvette have often mentioned being the leaders and the founders of ADOS. So, it’s evident that they want the center stage.  Concerning this, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be recognized for accomplishing something great. However, NBA’s history has shown that our leaders get assassinated. Thus, it’s the height of stupidity to want to be an NBA leader.
Furthermore, thinking strategically, had Antonio and Yvette simply changed the names of the missions of the two departments, both could’ve successfully been implemented. NBA would—and still--continue(s) to rail for reparations. Meanwhile, the Native Black American PAC could focus on negotiating favorable terms with ALL of the political parties for ADOS. This would kill two birds with one stone.
By the way, this idea that I mentioned is commonly practiced in other areas. Disney practices this. When everyone thinks of Disney, they think of child-friendly movies. However, Disney’s children companies vary greatly. Summarizing their diversity, let’s just say that Disney can release rated R films while still protecting their child-friendly image.

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