
Showing posts with the label Race

Insuring Against White Supremacy Attacks

Sorry to the fanbase; I know that it’s been a while since I’ve made a new post. I just haven’t felt like typing anything lately. However, this post necessitates it. Hidden Colors’ producer, Tariq Nasheed, mentioned something very important in one of his latest broadcasts; he mentioned the need for Foundational Black Americans (FBA) to insure themselves against White supremacists’ attacks. He specifically said life insurance. However, I’m going to expand upon that—since insurance is my expertise. First, I’m going to give some background on insurance. During slavery, slaves were insured. This, along with the tangible benefits our ancestors provided, are why slaves were insured. All of the slave-owners purchasing property insurance fueled the insurance economy and gave rise to insurance juggernauts . (By the way, slaves were considered property.)  This is a major reason why racist White people didn’t go around killing Black people. If they’d have done so, they’d have gotten into trouble w

Black Lives Matter Diversion

The protests across the country ignited an interest in the lives of Black people. It also revitalized a dead movement, Black Lives Matter (BLM). Never one to miss a wave BLM has jumped into the forefront of the protestors. However, this is a sleight of hand. BLM masquerades as though it’s a movement for change for Black people. However, it’s a confusion tactic controlled by the dominant society to derail Black people. BLM goes out into protests and garners the attention of major news outlets—giving its leaders platforms. However, from here, the leaders begin proposing for other groups and talking about their feelings. More importantly, nothing specific is mentioned for Black people.  This is where the confusion comes into play. Black people are protesting for change in our treatment. If you have protestors requesting things from the politicians, and the politicians yield to the demand, it halts the momentum of the protest. However, as aforementioned, BLM isn’t requesting anything spec

Watering the Seeds of Rebellion

We’ve entered Black History Month; however, this Black History Month is unique. More than ever, the dominant society is attempting to blur the lines between Black achievements and Alphabet achievements. The dominant society has taken many Black icons—some of whom were gay—and have focused on their sexuality. This has been done despite their sexuality, having nothing to do with their achievements. Never once did someone like James Baldwin proclaim to the world that he was gay first, or put his sexual orientation in front of his race. He thoroughly understood that he was discriminated against because of his race. Also, using dead Black icons to solidify the stance that FBA needs to redirect its focus toward the betterment of all groups, only waters the planted seed of rebellion.  Years ago, when former President Obama was in office, he planted the seed of uprise in FBAs by ignoring our needs. Furthermore, he served as a wakeup call that politicians aren’t going to do anything sp

The Puppet Masters are Revealing Themselves

This is a post that I’ve wanted to make for a while. The 2020 Election is heating up. Moreover, early candidates have already dropped out of the race. We’ve seen the departure of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker—among others. Now, more serious candidates are stepping into the fold. However, what’s different are the candidates. The democratic party has two billionaires that are running by using their own money, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg. This is an important distinction. Most candidates run campaigns using campaign donations. However, these candidates are using their own money. In the past, these 2 were vital contributors to other political hopefuls and politicians to fulfill their agenda. However, as FBA marches forward, more democratic hopefuls are seeing their presidential aspirations crash and burn. Thus, there’s a lot of money that lobbyists are losing fielding political doubtfuls. This is what has led these puppet-masters to step into the light. They’re usually the ones pu

Reconciliation Between the Black Man and Black Woman

A channel that I sometimes view has posted a question to Black men that none have so far been able to answer thoughtfully. BGS IBMOR has posed the following question to Black men. When Black women eventually come around to apologize and reconcile our gender issues, what will we require from them? Now, some men have said sex. That’s a thoughtless response that doesn’t require further analysis. Others have given a more thoughtful response. The response they’ve given is that we’ll require submission. However, both of these responses are inaccurate on the macro-level. The reality is that, currently, our relationship is irreconcilable. The most significant proof is the adverse response that many Black men had to the below commercial. Now, a lot of idiots take the commercial at face value, but I’m not counting them. These are the same Black men that spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to convince Black men to submit to female rule in the Black community.  However, many Black men

Societal-Engineered Super Conglomerates

This is a post that I’ve wanted to make for a long time. Today, I’m going to talk about these super conglomerates in America that dominate the world. The proper terminology for these companies is “multinationals.” A multinational is a company operating in several countries. This list features 10 multinationals that have once filed for bankruptcy. However, bankruptcy doesn’t mean that a business is kaput. These companies file bankruptcy to wash their hands of losing endeavors. However, my list was posted to show that even multinationals have been run by inept businesspeople. Now, let’s get to the social-engineering. Many of these enterprises spent most—if not all—of their fiscal years in the red, hence why we see so many acquisitions and mergers taking place. These companies are allowed to maintain their prestige thanks to media promotion and governmental isolation. For up-and-coming start-ups, they face many roadblocks. There are legal requirements that must be met, and bus

(Potential) White Extremists Hiding in Plain Sight

I’m going to preface this post by saying that my conjecture is purely speculative. I don’t have any solid proof to substantiate my inclinations. I’m merely scrutinizing what I see. There are pages out here dedicated to tactical training for survival. However, if you check out these pages, they’re receiving specialized military training that exceeds the police force—or even regular military police officers. One has to ask the question, why does one need this type of training if one is merely a civilian. What are you training—to this extent—for? In 2005, Hurricane Katrina flooded the Black part of New Orleans. At least, this is what’s reported. However, the flooding that took hold of those areas is the result of the levies being destroyed. This redirected the water to Black regions. Initially, the White regions were going to be flooded. Furthermore, before the rescue teams being sent, many residents reported militants opening gunfire on the panic-stricken residents. Many resi

Dialoguing with the Dominant Society: The Influx of Automation

A week ago, I stopped by a nearby car service place. This place is owned by a Black man. Under him, there’s a Black woman that’s a manager there. A White woman works there as support in administrative functions. Now, while I was there, I was mistaken for the Black woman’s boyfriend . I tend to resemble someone that people know. So, I’m used to this. However, due to this, the White woman continued explaining issues going on with a credit card processing company that the owner is dealing with. He hasn’t been having problems. However, the Black woman has. After being explained the details, she said that she’d reach out to the company, once again, to address her problem. Only she is having problems using their service. Furthermore, she stated that she was going to go off on them. This explains why, when I stepped into the business, it appeared as though the White woman owned it. Since I’ve been there before, I knew that she didn’t. However, the Black guy isn’t abreast of things like

The Trojan Horse

Recently, there has been a dispute between (F)oundational (B)lack (A)mericans and (A)merican (D)escendants (O)f (S)laves. The conflict came to light in the public after Antonio Moore voiced his grievances with Tariq Nasheed over his FBA Conference next year. Antonio called it a competing conference. Now, their dispute has nothing to do with me. However, Tariq brought to light something interesting. Until now, I—like most—assumed that ADOS was centered on one’s lineage. However, Tariq highlighted that it’s a two-prong movement. Part of the movement is centered on one’s lineage. The other part is a (P)olitical (A)ction (C)ommittee geared around to ensuring that it gets certain democrats in office. Now, I understand why their primary focus would be the Democrats. However, they shouldn’t be the only focus. However, Yvette and Antonio (the leaders) have made it clear that ADOS doesn’t support republicans. Now, contrary to liberals (Democrats), the conservatives (Republicans) have been o

Institutional Education vs Self-Education

For people that have read my blog posts, you may think that I have an issue with institutional schooling. However, that’s not the case. I’m just a bigger proponent of self-education. Institutions teach the masses how to become employees. After all, no one—with sense--goes to college to learn how to start a business. Now, of course, most people will never be business owners; most will be employees. However, despite the intentions of institutions, most students only learn how to regurgitate information that was explained to them countless times. Furthermore, this information is only stored long enough to pass the class in question. Afterward, the brain dumps it because the information isn’t considered vital. Think about it. For the scholars that read my posts, how much of the information that you were taught in school do you use on a practical basis. I’d say 98% of the information isn’t used. Now, let’s look at self-education. By the way, when I say self-education, I’m not talking

Chinks in the Armor

For the longest, White supremacy’s greatest strength has been its codification. However, chinks are beginning to form in the armor. Thus, it’s beginning to lose its grip on the world. To illustrate my point, I’ll point to 2 of its most outspoken proponents, Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos. Both have unceremoniously fallen from grace. Both are broke, despite their White privileges. However, even the alliance has shattered. Milo leaked audio of Richard Spencer stating how he really felt about having his Unite the Right event being canceled in North Carolina.  He stated what was already known; he’s a White supremacist. However, he stated another Universal Truth that I’ve touched on. This world is predicated on Winners and Losers . Richard Spencer isn’t the only chink in the armor to rear its ugly face. We have the college cheating scandal. Lisa Cabrera further showcased that there’s a hidden building in Kenya that many White elitists solicit schoolwork from to help their

Deranging a Society

Lately, the American government has been pushing various off-putting views upon Black people—regarding sexuality. For Black men, this social-deranging is the usual two-fold, racism mixed with misandry. So, I’m going to touch on various developments that are going on. Let’s start with school curriculums. There are currently 4 states requiring Alphabet History to be taught . The claim for mandating these teachings is that it teaches tolerance. However, it’s 2019, yet African-American history is optional in Winston-Salem, NC . This is despite the populace of Black residents being 34.3% in 2017 . Nowhere in the country is the Alphabet populace that high. Next, we have companies like Always pretending to cave under pressure from the Alphabet community . Of course, this is a farce. The NFL faced heavy scrutiny for blacklisting Colin Kaepernick and cosigning racism. Yet, they never buckled. Instead, they hired a coon to act as a mascot to stop the hemorrhaging . So, don’t believe for